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Comment Misleading language in this story (Score 1) 218

This story really rubs me the wrong way. They make it sound like Spamhaus has their fingers on the Internet's routing tables and at any whim can block or unblock networks that they don't like. This is simply not the case.

Spamhaus is no different from an op ed journalist or a food critic: All offer opinions about varying matters of public interest. Spamhaus, in this case, publishes an opinion in the form of a list of IP network ranges. In their opinion these networks can or may be responsible for transmitting spam or malware on the Internet.


But why is it that when the nutters at the Westboro Baptist church want to prance up and down the street and hold viotriolic hateful signs that all of a sudden we're so quick to point out that free speech is so vital for our society? Instead of bikeshedding over whether someone has a right to form an opinion about some Dutch ISP, how about instead we talk about how the spammers are themselves infringing on the propery rights of others by crapping on the internet? Lets stop pretending that the Internet is a public resource, it's a collection of private networks.

In any case, I have been a Spamhaus subscriber for scoring mail on my network and I appreciate the work that they do. I'd hate to imagine what the spam fighting landscape might look like today without Steve Linford and Spamhaus' efforts.

Steve Jobs Dead At 56 1613

SoCalChris writes "Apple cofounder Steve Jobs was found dead in his Cupertino home this morning. I'm sure everyone in the Slashdot community will miss him — even if you didn't enjoy his work, there's no denying his contributions to popular culture. Truly an American icon."

Comment Re:Latte Defense (Score 1) 722

Why are so many things justified with the already unjustifiable cost of a Latte? Just as two wrongs don't make a right, two prices that are too high, don't make the second any cheaper.

At least they didn't compare it to the cost of a monster HDMI cable.

Comment Re:the horrible effects of homogenisation (Score 1) 187

> Another thing that bothers me is that the FSF stuff almost comes across as negative, so 3DS is evil, iPad is evil, Kindle is evil, etc. Great, but what hardware is actually ok to buy? Why is there still no hardware database of the good stuff that doesn't limit my rights?

GNU is Not Unix

Submission + - GNU Mediagoblin Project launches (

paroneayea writes: "The GNU project is starting a new federated web application project called GNU MediaGoblin, written in Python. From the article:

    The GNU Project is taking a shot photo sharing. On May 2nd, the wraps came off the GNU Mediagoblin project. If successful, the GNU Mediagoblin could solve several problems that haven't been addressed well by existing photo sharing services — namely privacy, data ownership, reliability, and software freedom.

    So what's GNU Mediagoblin? The project is starting with the goal of creating a federated photo sharing site that could stand alongside popular services like Flickr, DeviantArt, Picasa, and Facebook. Eventually, the project hopes to tackle other types of media, but the first target is photo/artwork sharing. Right now? It's very much a work in progress."

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