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Comment Re:Women Were Driven Out (Score 1) 378

So your proof that unqualified women think they should be handed jobs is: 1) an anecdote about women you haven't met and 2) a straw-man argument that all feminists hate men?

While I agree that elder women (or men) teaching younger women not to be perpetual victims is very important, it is equally important for elder men (or women) to teach young men not to be creepy and awkward around women, and to treat them as intellectual and social equals. It works both ways.

This goes for any field or group that is dominated by guys (or ladies!), be it a profession or a club/society: one gender will feel uncomfortable until they are both equally treated.

Submission + - SOP for GOP to Pay Friendly Bloggers ( 1

jamie writes: "According to the conservative political journalism site Daily Caller: "'It's standard operating procedure' to pay bloggers for favorable coverage, says one Republican campaign operative. A GOP blogger-for-hire estimates that 'at least half the bloggers that are out there' on the Republican side 'are getting remuneration in some way beyond ad sales.'" Or in some cases, it's the ads themselves: ads at ten times the going rate are one of the ways conservative bloggers apparently get paid by the politicians they write about. In usual he-said she-said fashion, Daily Caller finds a couple of obscure liberal bloggers to mention too, but they fully disclosed payment and one of them even shut down his blog while doing consulting work, unlike Robert Stacy McCain and Dan Riehl."
The Courts

Submission + - RIAA: US Copyright Law 'isn't working' (

suraj.sun writes: The RIAA said on Monday that current U.S. copyright law is so broken that it "isn't working" for content creators any longer. RIAA President Cary Sherman said "You cannot monitor all the infringements on the Internet. It's simply not possible. We don't have the ability to search all the places infringing content appears, such as cyberlockers like [file-hosting firm] RapidShare."

Sherman said the 1998 DMCA contains loopholes that allow broadband providers and Web companies to turn a blind eye to customers' unlawful activities without suffering any legal consequences.

In response to a question from CNET, Sherman said it may be necessary for the U.S. Congress to enact a new law formalizing agreements with intermediaries such as broadband providers, Web hosts, payment processors, and search engines.

"We're working on [discussions with broadband providers], and we'd like to extend that kind of relationship--not just to ISPs, but [also to] search engines, payment processors, advertisers." But, Sherman said, "if legislation is an appropriate way to facilitate that kind of cooperation, fine."

CNET News:

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 203

Why can't it be both depending on the job?

I wanted to be a PhD chemist, which is not a field that comes with a pre-determined job attached to it. I got my degree and learned lots of theory and practical knowledge.

While I agree that four year universities should focus on a holistic education, there's nothing wrong with someone deciding "I want to be an X", where X = plumber, electrician, welder, EMT, RN, etc., and they only go to school long enough for that. Personally, the broadening experience I obtained in undergrad and grad school means more to me than just the job skills I learned, but for others who just want a job, let them have it.

Not everyone is meant for 4-year college. If they don't want it, they won't go for it. Bad in the long run? Maybe. But that's their choice. That's why 4-year colleges exist as well as vocational schools and community colleges.

Comment Re:The amount of replies to this story (Score 1) 176

Shamelessly taken from Penn and Teller's Bullshit video-game violence episode:

Penn: Next time you feel like worrying about fake violent video games, try a little Gedanken experiment: imagine that video games were invented 100 years before football. Picture school video game teams and uniforms and hot-ass cheerleaders with big, bouncing pom-poms. Now imagine after 100 years of extracurricular video game fun, football is invented and introduced to schools. Thousands of kids get real, no kidding, no fantasy, no make-believe broken knees, legs, ankles, cervical trauma, heatstroke, and concussions! [Throughout Penn's injury list, the crowd quiets, eventually becoming totally silent.] ...What would parents do? From 1931 to 2007, 665 kids died... from injuries they suffered playing football. This is not video game violence - this is real violence done to real children by other real children, all encouraged by schools and society. Every parent worries about his or her kids; every adult worries about all children, but you need to pick what you think is worth worrying about.

I'm not necessarily picking on high-school football, but to do this for 20-some odd years seems like purposely shortening your life. To para-phrase Penn, decide on your priorities. I'll stick to running, cycling, and weightlifting for my health benefits.

Comment Re:I hate mandatory learning styles (Score 1) 554

Good for you. I work at a community college, and many of students there have never had good study habits, so guess where they learn them? And yes I have had students admit to my face that they didn't ever have to study in high school.

If you perform well in my class and miss a few days, I don't mind. If you are sliding into a guaranteed F and never attend class, my duty is to withdraw you from the class for excessive absences. Regardless of the school's official policy, many professors still treat attendance in their own way. I make it clear in my syllabus how I treat attendance. Make sure to do your homework about each professor before you sign up for their class.

Comment Re:I Hate Taking Attendance (Score 1) 554

I agree that students should be accountable for their grades, but even if they fail, the school has to pay the state back for financial aid. By withdrawing students who fail to attend, the school does not have to repay the state for the financial aid. Our community college had to pay back a great deal of money to the state a few years ago before mandatory attendance as instilled because a large number of students took financial aid and ran with the money. Since this college struggles to get funds (including state funds), it needs every penny it can get to serve the students who are doing the work. We've discussed ways of taking attendance involving classroom "clicker" technology, and I see the RFID system to be a similar fix.

I hate taking attendance too (granted I don't have 300 student lectures), but for 40 person classes, it isn't that difficult; just one more hoop. In the end, I can keep tabs on students and warn them that they will lose financial aid if they stop coming to class. For students who don't understand that it costs money to educate them, this is a way to show them their responsibility (before they fail), instead of just letting them fail and be bitter about higher education for the rest of their lives. Whether or not they attend, failing means paying *again* to re-take the class. And semester hours aren't cheap.

Don't many newer jobs require some form of college degree? It seems that many students who never needed a degree (or AA certificate) now require one, and with the down-turned economy, more students than ever are pouring into college. We have to be accountable somehow. Is RFID the right answer? We'll see, but until then, attendance checking is a necessary evil.

Comment Obligatory Zorg. (Score 2, Interesting) 99

"Life, which you so nobly serve, comes from destruction, disorder and chaos. Now take this empty glass. Here it is: peaceful, serene, boring. But if it is destroyed...

[Pushes the glass off the table. It shatter on the floor, and several small machines come out to clean it up]

...Look at all these little things! So busy now! Notice how each one is useful. A lovely ballet ensues, so full of form and color. Now, think about all those people that created them. Technicians, engineers, hundreds of people, who will be able to feed their children tonight, so those children can grow up big and strong and have little teeny children of their own, and so on and so forth. Thus, adding to the great chain of life."

Windows 7 Has Lots of "God Modes" 422

An anonymous reader writes "Those intrigued by the 'GodMode' in Windows 7 may be interested to know that there are many other similar shortcuts hidden within the operating system — some going back to Vista or before. Steven Sinofsky, Windows division president, said several similar undocumented features provide direct access to all kinds of settings, from choosing a location to managing power settings to identifying biometric sensors." Update: 01/07 23:46 GMT by CT : Link updated to source.

What's the Importance of Graphics In Video Games? 506

An anonymous reader writes "I develop games as a hobby. I've experimented with games on almost every platform available. For me, the gameplay is the most influential factor of a game, with history and graphics dividing second place. But, for some reason, it's not the technical beauty of the graphics that appeal to me. I have played Crysis, and I've played Pokémon games. The graphics of the Pokémon games entertain me as much as the graphics of Crysis. I think both are beautiful. So, why is the current generation of games giving so much importance to the realism in graphic games? I think it is sufficient for a game to have objects that are recognizable. For example, while the water in some games may not look as good as in Crysis, I can still tell it's water. What are your opinions on the current direction of game graphics? Do you prefer easy-to-render 3D scenes that leave space for beautiful effects, like with Radiosity, or more complex 3D scenes that try to be realistic?"

Submission + - Daily sex helps improve fertility (

mmmscience writes: While fertility studies lately seem to have been exclusively focused on in vitro fertilization [IVF], new data coming out of Australia may help with unaided successful conceptions. The study has found that men who have ejaculate daily produce sperm with less damaged DNA. While such actions decrease sperm concentration, it does increase motility, meaning healthier sperm have a better chance of making it all the way to the egg. Good news, as another report [] has found severe chromosome abnormalities in over 90% of IVF eggs, meaning artificial insemination is just now discovering a whole new field of problems.

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