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Comment They treat it as a cost of doing business (Score 1) 24

Until they start imposing files AND jailing the BoD and senior executives then nothing will change. Start doing major fines and jail time may get their attention. Second time it happens then perma-ban them from acting as a member of ANY BoD director or as an officer of a corporation. Fines should also be calculated as triple the revenue stream for when the company was vulnerable and is applied individually to the corporation, each BoD member and the senior executives.

Comment Re:Linux? (Score 1) 149

Been using LINUX here since 95. Every several years I find a distro that works better for me and the wife. I regularly download a distro and make a bootable USB stick to play with. If it looks/acts similar to what we use and doesn't have as many pain points on the current one I work with it more to see if that is a better choice. I keep a few bootable sticks ready for friends/family who want to try it out. Originally SUSE, then MANDRIVA, then ANTI-X and we currently use MX as it works well on older machines (one was an old netbook {12 years old} with 2 gigs of memory and 128 gigs hard drive), doesn't take a lot of resources and with a bit of tweaking I can make it look close enough to WIN-XP (wife is comfortable with that interface so I don't want to inflict a change on her).

Comment The latest toxic cess pit (Score 0) 387

It may have the unintended effect of making FB look good. I suspect it will quickly devolve into a toxic cess pit of hatred, intolerance and conspiracy theories. It would be more accurate to rename it. I have two groups of names, pick one from the first and one for the second for a corporate 'rebranding'. The questions are how long before it implodes and how long before the hosting company drops them and no one will host them (Other than the Russians). ... GROUP 1 invention reverie aspersion artifice ... GROUP 2 personalized reticent disputatious truculent militant insolent

Comment Time to install disco lights and TV in rooms (Score 1) 23

May be time to install that old disco ball and old TVs showing random images and point them at walls that can be viewed outside the room. Better yet, maybe just cover the windows, close doors if there are any and put up curtains so that nothing is viewable outside the room. Then see about retrofitting existing walls, ceilings and floors with several inches of cork and install a Faraday cage. Can't be too paranoid :).

Comment I see this way too often (Score 1) 160

I had to go through two scripts at work. One is causing an ongoing problem, but, with a manual work-around to fix the issue after it runs. The other the work-around was to create a special stand-alone job to run outside the process after the script runs and documented the hell out of it. Both scripts were way too clever and relied on tricks I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole and nothing was documented and absolutely no comments in the script to describe what the script did let alone the functions defined in each script. I am definitely not a noob for this scripting language as I have been using it for almost 40 years. I thought I knew the scripting language extremely well, but, what they did impressed and dismayed me when I had to debug them.

Comment Shocked that they advise you to park outside (Score 0) 157

Revolting that the best is advice to park outside and not plugged in overnight. I am so glad right now I held off on a buying new vehicle (I was looking at an electric). Condo parking spot is at most 10 feet from my unit. Parking lot is limited in size and the 'guest' spots are all under trees. I will wait and see about a more current vehicle. (Puns are all intended).

Comment Re:Read the complaint! (Score 1) 339

I wonder if they read the Terms of Service -> 1.4. In connection with your use of the Services, you are responsible for maintaining licenses and adhering to the license terms of any software you run. If we reasonably believe any of Your Content violates the law, infringes or misappropriates the rights of any third party, or otherwise violates a material term of the Agreement (including the documentation, the Service Terms, or the Acceptable Use Policy) (“Prohibited Content”), we will notify you of the Prohibited Content and may request that such content be removed from the Services or access to it be disabled. If you do not remove or disable access to the Prohibited Content within 2 business days of our notice, we may remove or disable access to the Prohibited Content or suspend the Services to the extent we are not able to remove or disable access to the Prohibited Content. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may remove or disable access to any Prohibited Content without prior notice in connection with illegal content, where the content may disrupt or threaten the Services or in accordance with applicable law or any judicial, regulatory or other governmental order or request. In the event that we remove Your Content without prior notice, we will provide prompt notice to you unless prohibited by law. We terminate the accounts of repeat infringers in appropriate circumstances. As for Twitter, I think they did something about the trending tweet.

Comment They flagged two of my posts (Score 3, Informative) 31

Put up a pair of notes showing my home office setup for working remotely. I shared a number of hints on what worked for me and what to put your money on (great monitor, comfortable chair, good task lighting, decent phone). I had a link to an article about home office setups in one of the notes if you had to work at home due to COVID. I guess their AI (Artificial Idiots) routines themselves got infected. I replied back that I believed that they were flagged in error.

I know there was a lot of spam and incorrect information on the virus and they tried (and failed) to minimize that by going overboard.

Comment Give me physical copies any day (Score 2) 174

While not all videos are on DVD or BluRay a lot of them are and I pick up a copy. I can play them when I want, where I want, on the device (player or laptop or USB DVD/BluRay) not have to worry if I have a network connection. I also do not have to worry that the digital copy goes into that bit bucket in the sky.

Streaming is a convenience and if the price is right I may subscribe to that service (still haven't seen a need yet) and then if the movie/show is worthwhile I may try to pick up a physical copy.

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