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Comment Re:Sudden? (Score 1) 268


Let me repeat that:


If you don't believe me, look it up. The US is doing something. The EU and Asia are NOT.

And we are doing it by outsourcing a lot of our production overseas. Yay us!

USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!

Comment Re:Strangely mixed signals here (Score 2) 268

Er, did you read the Forbes link before you shared it? It was about sea ice. The ice loss in evidence is land ice. You are trying to imply that there is a contradiction when there is none?

Moreover, the link is to an opinion piece, not a news source. No wonder it was rejected.

But if you want to talk about the Forbes piece, it claims there is *no* polar sea ice retreat (and the headline is worse, it claims there is no polar ice retreat at all, sea or otherwise). It fails to distinguish between Arctic sea ice (which is retreating) and Antarctic (which is advancing). The latter seems to be occurring due to, among other factors, the inrush of fresh water from melting Antarctic glaciers -- which lowers salinity and raises the freezing point. Really sloppy work by the writer. (Actually I doubt that he was being sloppy. I'm sure he's smart enough to know about this stuff. I suspect he was being disingenuous.)

Sadly, the retreat in the Arctic is primarily in the summer, so it lowers the albedo of the region when that region is in continuous sunlight.

Sadly, the advance in the Antarctic is primarily in the winter, so it raises the albedo of the region when that region is in continuous darkness. Big help, huh?

Comment volume? (Score 1) 310

"The volume of sea ice – that is, how thick the Arctic ice is..."

Er, no, "how thick the ice is" is called "thickness". Volume is thickness times area (or more precisely, thickness integrated over area).

That said, two data points (last year's area and this year's area) do not a trend make. I can't believe how many people don't get that (or enjoy telling lies so much that they don't care that it contradicts reason).

Comment Re:How does this account for those who change part (Score 2) 758

Mod parent up. I wish we could count on our respective parties to uphold some core values. I don't vote for Democrats because I expect some return in the form of liberalization of government or society. Disappointment after disappointment has taught me not to do that. I vote for Democrats because I don't want more Scalias and Thomases deciding what the Constitution really means, and because I don't want the Bushes and Palins and Ryans and Romneys of the world pushing their crazy world views on us all.

Comment Re:So what the article is saying... (Score 4, Interesting) 758

1. I've never called for censorship. I do like people to act civilly, but in any kind of public forum that can't be enforced, it's just a wish.
2. I'm not so much pro-gun control as I am opposed to letting one organization have such a powerful pull on what laws get made that we can't even expect our lawmakers to engage in a legitimate discourse on the topic.
3. I have no idea what you are talking about.
4. Seriously, I have no idea what you are talking about.

Maybe you need to talk to some real liberals instead of listening to stereotypes of them on TV.

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