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Submission + - Japan:Caesium measured, melt down may have started ( 5

Anonymous Coward writes: "A japanese media broadcaster (NHK) as well es German and Reuters report a possible start of a melt down in Fukushima 1/1 as caesium, a by product of melt downs was measured near the reactor: 'The government's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency says nuclear material cesium has been detected near the Number One reactor at the Fukushima Number One nuclear power plant. The agency says the detection indicates that some of the nuclear fuel at the reactor may have started melting, because cesium is produced during a nuclear chain reaction' (NHK, Japan Broadcasting Corporation)."

Submission + - Proton beams sent around the LHC (

feldhaus writes: The BBC reports that the first beams for over one year have been successfully sent around the complete circumference of the Large Hadron Collider. Engineers do not yet have a stable circulating beam but they hope to by 0600 GMT on Saturday.

Comment Re:Uptime (Score 1) 596

How helpful of him to reconnect the powered-down side to mains voltage.

I hope the electricians who switched it off in the first place had factored in such irresponsible stupidity. He'd probably just blow the fuse(?) in his adaptor trying to power everything on the disconnected circuit but I'd sure not want to be working on those wires with someone like him around.

And yes, as others have noted, phase differences will let the magic smoke out so here's hoping he spent some quality time measuring relative phase before he attempted it.
Sun Microsystems

Submission + - Report: IBM Buying Sun For $7 Billion 1

plasticsquirrel writes: According to the New York Times, IBM will buy Sun Microsystems for $7 billion. It appears that the rumors about a deal were true. With the demise of SGI announced recently, where does this leave Solaris and AIX? What is the future of the traditional proprietary Unixen, if any? And what about Sun's open source assets and contributions?

Comment Re:If only... (Score 2, Interesting) 220

I was pleasantly surprised a few years ago when I noticed that HSBC support Links for their online banking service (at least in the UK). A quick check confirms they still do.

I wish I could say the same for NatWest and I don't know about other UK banks.

There is a lot to be said for a text-only, script-immune interface. And whilst nobody could say that Links is impervious to attack, it's obviously not going to be on the radar of most cross-site/browser-exploiting evil doers.

Submission + - Tens of Thousands of Adult Website Accounts Hacked ( 3

Keith writes: "Tens of thousands — or maybe more — accounts to adult websites were recently declared compromised and apparently have been that way since sometime in October, 2007. The issue occurred when the NATS software used to track and manage sales and affiliate revenues was accessed by an intruder, who apparently discovered a list of admin passwords residing on an unsecured office server at Too Much Media, which makes and maintains NATS installations for adult companies. It would appear that Too Much Media knew of the exploit back in October, and rather than fixing the issue tried to bury it by threatening to sue anyone in the adult industry who talked about it."

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