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Comment Re:Too late (Score 1) 480

That statement demonstrates the same sort of bone-headed mindset that's driven companies into the vendor lock-down the city of Freiburg was trying to escape from.

And your statements indicate the kind of tin-foil hat wearing, high horse riding hyperbole that is the primary reason why people outside the community don't take FOSS particularly seriously.

Comment Re:What the fuck (Score 1) 295

Damn right. When Jobs got up on stage and announced that Apple was a mobile device company (and upset a few Mac devotees to boot), at least he did so from the position of having sold a shitload of iPods and phones. They've sold more iOS devices now than all the personal computers sold in the entire company's history. Microsoft, apart from Xbox, which has sold a fraction of the number of iOS devices, has no such right to the claim.

Comment Re:It's pretty clear.... (Score 1) 244

There isn't a single ad on the page.

There are for me. You sure you don't have an ad blocker running? I got one for Gillette shaving gel, and then went back when I read your message to make sure I wasn't imagining it, and got another one for Speck cases.

Comment Re:Crappy game (Score 2) 107

but you have to admire his class

Why? That would suggest there's something almost altruistic about his decision, when it's pretty fucking obvious that he's doing this to make more money than his mediocre game would have otherwise. I suppose I grudgingly admire his PR savvy.

While these kinds of "gestures" by game developers remain a novelty, they will be treated as such, and garner more publicity (front page on reddit, slashdot and god knows how many other sites already) leading to considerably more sales than they would have achieved otherwise. The right-on crowd who still seem to think this is somehow a generous decision rather than a cunning marketing ploy will support it with their wallets and the developer gets more income for his distinctly "average" project than he could have hoped for if he'd tried to launch it at a fixed price.

Comment Re:Colour me a cynic for saying this... (Score 4, Funny) 133

That's the way of things these days. When you have nothing better to say, you whine and bitch about a substantial project, entirely created by volunteers, given away for free, and to which you have contributed nothing... as if they owe you something. I believe it's one of the requirements for the new Boy Scouts "entitlement" badge.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
