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Comment SIC SEMPER TYRANIS (Score -1, Troll) 641

The government is fascist today, was fascist under Bush, has been fascist since the Bretton Woods agreement. No - it's been fascist since the Constitution was passed. The government is really just the enforcement arm of the international banking guilds who coin the currency and inflate the money supply through unbacked credit. Of course this is the usual misdirection - "See! Only a dweeb who believes fake news would think the American government is a fascist dictatorship." Meanwhile, the government abridges your speech, your right to own weapons, what foods you can eat, what herbs you can grow, what you can and can't do with your own personal property. Some people were just born to be slaves, I suppose.

Comment SUBMIT (Score -1) 561

You are not people. You're not even animals. You are a CASH MACHINE FOR GOVERNMENT. That is all you are good for. If you go around trying drugs or hard reading or sounds or anything that might have the potential to expand your consciousness, you may become unsuitable. You may become defective. You might wonder why you aren't treated like a person, you might wonder if your work is benefiting you or if it's benefiting systems that are inimical to your interests. Subconsciously, the powers and principalities KNOW what they are doing and why you must, above all, not grow your field of perception.

So believe in Jeebus or believe in Big Bang or believe in anything you want as long as you don't actually THINK about it and keep the money coming.

It's not about drugs or violence or THE CHILDREN or any of the usual excuses. It is about engineering submission that is holy and immaculate and eternal. It is a war, a real war, which extends throughout the Earth and into the supernal and unnamed realms and it is a war which humankind continually invents new ways to lose.

Comment Re:the army is obselete (Score 0) 191

The IDF never controlled anything of Lebanon except the ground directly under their feet in '06, as opposed to those other examples. To know better than... what? To say a large, bureaucratic organization is not only useless but in fact directly inimical to the interests of its constituents and indeed all of the people of the world? Thus is life - you're allowed to disagree about the conclusion but you're never allowed to question the premises.

Comment the army is obselete (Score -1, Troll) 191

It's obvious to me that what we think of as a "modern army" is more obselete than Windows ME. They are extremely expensive to maintain, prone to misadventure, and they often become nothing more than tools to enrich corporations at the expense of native peoples and the soldiers themselves.

We need a distributed, open-source approach to self defense. Look at the successes of Hezbollah against the Israeli army in the 2006 assault on Lebanon. For the first time, a native militia completely broke the advance of a modern Western army. And we will see this pattern occur again, and again, and again, until we learn that the most effective form of military action is motivated people defending their own land against a foreign invader.

Political power comes out of the barrel of a gun, which is why the government has no interest in allowing you to own RPGs or Stingers. It's funny how you never hear of some disgruntled Shi'a in Lebanon taking a rocket launcher to a school and slaughtering a bunch of kids. But of course, that would make it more difficult for the Federal Empire to incarcerate all the Jews or Japanese or Muslims or whoever the flavor of the week evil is.

Government is the answer to a question nobody should have asked. The answer to, "What will protect me?" or "What will lead to my prosperity?" is ALWAYS AND ONLY YOURSELF.

Comment They're right, of course (Score 1, Interesting) 725

The dirty, filthy secret is of course that they are right. But the educated buffoons who make up the majority of Slashdot's readership will just use this as an opportunity to pummel anyone they consider "ignorant" in comparison to themselves. Let's get it out of the way, shall we? They're ignorant. Stupid. Illiterate. Backwards. Primitive believes in invisible Sky Daddy Fairy Unicorn. Ahh... there we go.

Now for the seriousness - replacing names with numbers is just one of the many tools governments across the world use to dehumanize their populations. Nothing is more dangerous to a government than free people who consider themselves sovereign entities and treat the edicts of their government with contempt. The government wants to impress you, show off for you, convince you they have all the power and you have none. It is illegal in this country the United States to have a baby and not immediately report that birth. Is it because they care so much about your child and want to make sure it's taken care of? All evidence says no, of course they don't give a damn. They just want to make sure they know who and where this new person is so they can subject them to a lifetime of oppression. From public schooling to mandatory health insurance purchasing to jury duty, the government needs to know you exist so they can make you submit.

These villagers might not be right in their exact theology, but that makes no difference. They correctly recognize that enumerating human beings as if they were any other commodity is a tool of dehumanization that makes life less valuable in the eyes of the paper pushers who decide whether to bomb you or to build you a bridge. It's a tool for treating the human soul as a cost-benefit calculation, as just another thing to be thrown away when it's no longer usefully working.

But of course, they're ignorant and stupid and you are so much infinitely smarter and wiser. That's why you've allowed yourselves to be treated like cattle and sheepherded into any pen the government conceives for you. Keep your protests in a Free Speech Zone and when the government decides to shut down the internet you will have to find someplace else to parade your intellectual superiority.

Comment useful for self-defense? (Score 0) 463

does anyone have any comments on the potential usefulness of this item as a self-defense weapon? I've been considering a gun, but if this can really blind in seconds it might do the same job without all the pesky hoops and carry laws. How long would it take to blind an assailant with this item?

Comment karma is real (Score -1, Offtopic) 228

Does this perfect storm of catastrophe seem odd to anyone else? Could it really be that there is no omnipresent spiritual component to the collapse of ecosystems, the annihilation of the Gulf, the depleted uranium littering Iraq, the total moral depravity of the States that comprise the world? The story of SEC workers looking at kiddie porn cannot be disentangled from the BP regulators going to hookers and blow parties with the industry giants.

I cannot understand this, do you think you're making out like bandits? Do you think that your lifestyle, built as it is upon death and underhanded dealings, will continue without consequences? The evidence that human beings are afflicted by an illness that is spiritual in nature is right in front of you. It's not an illness of the body, or even precisely the mind - you are sick in your awareness. Your awareness is stunted and retarded. You are not aware of the condition that you are in and you are suffering the consequences for it.

2012 is a metaphor but the phenomenon is real. Laser eye surgery can correct defects in the organ of the eye, but what technology will correct a defect in your awareness? Karma is real - it is the relationship of causes and effects that ensures that war brings war, death brings death, immorality brings immorality, and ignorance brings ignorance. Correct the defect in your awareness and perceive the correct relation between the Gulf spill and the actions and ignorance which brought it into being.

Comment wHY nOT? (Score -1, Flamebait) 215

Local governments in Texas are already using them to spy on citizens. And I'm sure they'd only be used for the stated purpose and carry no secret capabilities at all. Just like the pervert naked airport scanners don't save pictures until they do; just like you can turn off the GPS tracker on your cellphones but you can't, just like every other lie and deception you people have gobbled like candy on October 31st.

Obama has already put US citizens on assassination hit lists, which is the logical consequence of your deafening silence about the assassination of Afghanis and Pakistanis and Iraqis, and their families, without charge or trial. So forgive me if I get the giggles in my FEMA detention trailer if they grant me the mercy of reading the occasional newspaper while I watch you all suffer from exactly the Hell you have cheered on when it was happening to so many other people.

Oh, don't forget to mod me down usual mob of government shills and employees wasting my tax dollars trolling internet forums.

Comment Re:I Don't See the Connection Here (Score 0, Troll) 69

Remember FedGov giving Sunni insurgents a fortune in guns and money and called it the "Anbar Awakening?" Now I'm no rocket scientist but if it was me and my hated enemy was pleased to give me weapons and bundles of cash for the promise that I wouldn't fight them I'd take the deal and then turn around and buy more weapons. What do you think happened to that missing plane full of hundred dollar bills eh? Why did Rumsfeld fail to secure Iraqi munitions dumps while putting policy into place that put most Sunnis out of work (De-Baathification?)

Either these people are stupid beyond human comprehension or they genuinely don't care about nothing but securing HalliXiBoeMartin contracts.

The real issue is you don't want to pay real money for the resources you consume so you prop up vile dictators that crush the hopes and aspirations of people all over the world. You and your Jewish owners arm and fund both sides in conflicts all over the place and sponsor terrorism (Jundallah just for a start) and then slink in afterwards with some propped up warlord and loot the resources under the bodies of the dead. You are damned already like the dinosaurs in Land that Time Forgot with a bullet in your spinal column and a body too stupid to know it's already dead.

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