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Comment Re:I don't get the point of this thing... (Score 5, Funny) 217

now if we go with a destroyer or smaller craft that has electric propulsion, what you'll find is that they all have diesel generators in them. That is they burn GASOLINE... and the gasoline produces electricity and that electricity then drives electric motors.

I hope you never buy a diesel powered car.

Comment Re:I don't see it (Score 1) 74

It's more than just that the two paintings share 3 or 4 similar items. There's also where they lie within the composition.

Then there's the overall composition of the piece. The overall balance is similar although one biased to the right the other to the left, and the similar trait of something slanting into view at the left edge at about the same angle.

The subject matter doesn't even have to be the same in order to draw similarities. They just used those examples because they illustrate the point of the article the best. Had they tried to use more conceptual things like space or light it would have elicited even more "I don't see it" comments.

Comment Re:Wait so now (Score 1) 692

Except that while they bought the property when the area was a slum, in order to attract the higher income tenants they would have to put money into the building. Said money most likely wasn't spare change they had lying around so those improvements would be financed so if the neighborhood did revert back to low income after a new round of urban flight the new residents wouldn't be able to pay the rent required by the landlord to cover the debt he incurred sprucing the place up.

Comment Re:rant from a gun nut (Score 1) 283

I used to put 8 out of 10 shots in a man sized target from 500 meters with an M-16A1 when I was in the Corps, and the grouping was smaller than the distance from heart to hind quater of a deer.

Most people don't take shots from nearly that far away when hunting. If you can't be within two feet of your point of aim from normal hunting ranges the problem isn't with the rifle.

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