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Comment Re:Fuck religion. (Score 1) 903

Yeah, it really sucks to have to cover treatments that nobody in your church winds up using. E.g., if nobody in your church gets cancer this year, why the hell did the church have to pay for coverage of cancer? It's just a waste of money, right?

No, it sucks to have to cover treatments that nobody in your church is at risk of.

Incorrect. The hormones in birth control pills are used to treat a variety of health issues. Writing a health plan so that it excludes paying for particular medicines is antithetical to the goal of universal health coverage.

Insurance doesn't cover medications; they cover treatments - that is, medications for a specific purpose. It's fairly trivial to exclude the pill for contraceptive purposes, but include it for treatment of acne, or menstrual period stabilisation.

It's making a petty point, at great expense to those who might need the medicine, because you, a supposed Christian, care more about winning than you do about caring for the sick. I'm pretty sure that's not what Jesus would do.

Removing contraception from your coverage has no effect at all on other people whose coverage does/should contain contraception.

The problem is the government mandated a one-size-fits-all solution, when one size doesn't damn well fit all.

Comment Re:TOS violation ? (Score 1) 575

For their public, unpaid repositories, their ToS state that they can take them down at their discretion, at any time. If you want some accountability, pay for a repository - then I'd expect a reason.

I'd have probably done the same thing in their place - they want GitHub to be a place for collaboration for software development, not the next ytmnd.com

Comment Re:Again? (Score 1) 122

They didn't actually downgrade anything - headline is, as per usual, flamebait. They're using the same technology, they just expect to (surprise, surprise) go over-budget and behind schedule. The previous governments NBN's roll-out was also over-budget and behind schedule, so it's really nothing to do with the technology chosen - it's the tendency of politicians from both parties to over-promise and under-deliver.

Comment Re:just stop (Score 1) 549

The expectations and limitations might be cultural, but technology shapes culture, just as much as the inverse.

Take tasers; yes, I'd much rather be shot with a taser than with a gun. The issue, of course, is that tasers are used in situations where people wouldn't resort to a gun, because they're promoted as "safer".

It's the same issue as this; I'm against allowing the state to use these devices because, while I'm not particularly afraid they will shoot my engine block out, I'm not so certain they won't use these ostensibly "safe" devices much more recklessly, due to their perceived innocuity.

Comment Re:Translation: Can't make money yet (Score 1) 537

All of these are pegged directly to real gov. currencies and hence are legislated to be honoured as an obligation for cash exchange within the bounds of their own rules. There may be terms on maintaining balance/etc, but it's illegal to withhold payment if in good standing.

Not really; gift cards are considered to be debts to be honoured, not a currency. This was pointedly demonstrated to Australians who had Borders gift cards when they went into receivership down here. As part of their insolvency, they declared that their gift cards would only be worth half the face price.

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