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Comment Re:Microsoft (Score 4, Insightful) 661

And the story has the DRM/Straitjacket icon? Seriously, WTF? The reporting on this story is just terrible, even by Slashdot standards.

Headline: "Windows 8 Won't Support Plug-Ins ..."
Reality: "... Metro interface web browser in Windows 8 will not support plug-ins ..."

This announcement sounds perfectly reasonable to me--not having plugins in the Metro browser closes a lot of security holes and eliminates crap like Flash that's proprietary, hurts performance, etc. It's a competitive move that raises the bar for other browsers to become more secure and stop supporting things that people don't want.

Microsoft is not the evil company that this site thinks it still is. Time to find a new whipping boy, Slashdot.

Comment Re:Meh (Score 1) 302

But, clearly, Verizon either doesn't want you to use your data connection like that, or they want you to pay out the ass for the privilege. I think it's very backward that they're doing this, but it's not going to make me switch to another provider since the major telcos are all doing the same thing.

Comment Meh (Score 2) 302

2GB is plenty for me. The most mobile data I've ever used in a month is a gig, which included heavy 3rd party tethering use. I usually use 500-700MB. Maybe 4G LTE speeds will change my usage, but I doubt it will more than *double* my usage.

I understand that won't be enough for some people, but with apps like Llama it's really easy to set up location profiles that turn wi-fi on and off at places you trust. If that still doesn't sate your usage needs, get your workplace to pay for it or *gasp* put your damn phone away and interact with the real world.

Comment Netflix: Corporate champion of net neutrality? (Score 4, Interesting) 169

This move puts Netflix in even more direct competition with traditional broadcasting/media companies than ever before--as if NBC-Comcast wasn't already looking to throttle YouTube and Netflix traffic to hell and back. Real net neutrality seems like it aligns with Netflix's business model--they may become a true defender of how many people here think the internet "should" work on top of their apparent desire to be a true independent alternative to old media.

Is there a negative here that I'm not seeing? Does one of the big media companies secretly own Netflix?

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
