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Comment How to make them pay (Score 4, Insightful) 338

Whenever you receive a call from one of these scammers do what you can to talk to a live person. This is what costs them money. When I get a robo-call telling me about pack pain medication or having an import message from my credit card company, I always press whatever button I need to push to seem interested and speak with a representative. Then I keep that person on the phone for as long as possible until they give up and hang up on me.

If everyone did this, the overhead of these bastards would be too high to keep calling people. At worse, it would make them limit their calls to known suckers.

Comment Re:"living" Minimum wage (Score 2) 632

But if you oppose a living minimum wage, then you support slavery
Do you not know what a slave is? If I volunteer at the local soup kitchen, does that make me a slave? By YOUR definition, it does. However, slaves are considered property and have no choices. I can throw down my apron and walk out of the soup kitchen. A slave does not have that choice.
In the context of this discussion, if a "slave" doesn't like his wages, he's free to quit, making him not really slave. If he wants to make better wages, he needs to make himself worth more to employers. That's how freedom works.

Comment Re: Let me guess.. (Score 2) 632

Add to that the fact that vendors will hoard the money rather than reinvest them
How exactly do vendors "hoard" their money? Do they:
1) Expand to make even more money
2) Cash it out and put in their own pockets
3) Invest it using other means such as bonds or stock market
4) Stick in the bank
5) Buy a giant Scrooge McDuck style safe to store stacks of $100 bills and gold coins.

In the case of 1 and 3, the money goes back into the economy. The business expands, creating more jobs by the expansion itself or running the now larger business.
In the case of Number 2, you need to ask the question again, "How exactly do the stock holders 'hoard' their money?" The answers don't really change. Even if they build mansions, someone has to gather the materials, construct the home, fill it with furniture, and then maintain the house by keeping it clean and repaired. Even this keeps people employed.
Number 4 is an option some use, but it's temporary. Even then, the bank will load the money back out to other businesses or individuals who will also spend the money, expanding the economy.
Number 5, of course, is what you think happens, but that's simply not reality.

Either way, you are missing a basic economic fact, ALL MONEY IS SPENT, and by spending that money, the economy expands. The more money being made, the more the economy grows. Profit is what happens when you increase the value of resources. Profit, by definition, makes the economy larger, meaning more money for everyone.

So you can stop with your rich-envy.

Comment Re: Fake News? (Score 0) 624

If Snopes were left-leaning, it would have been impossible for me to defend Bush all those years.

Sorry, but Snopes is left-leaning. What you've run across are examples so flagrant, they had to admit them to false. For example, "Trump to Repurpose USS Enterprise Into Floating Hotel and Casino" or "Donald Trump Was Born in Pakistan" are obviously fake and Snopes will label it as such.
The best way to check any "fact-check" site is to find the same quote said by two people on different sides of the aisle. What I have found is that many times, the same claim will receive a higher rating from the left, as the site will find an excuse as to why it may be true. The right receives no such courtesy.

Comment Re: Fake News? (Score 0) 624

I'm led to understand reality has a pretty strong left wing bias, also.

Do you mean the "reality" that says only white Republicans can be racist?
Maybe you mean the "reality" that every Republican candidate since Reagan is a racist/misogynist/elitist/Bible-thumper?
Oh, I know... You mean the "reality" of Obamacare cutting health care costs and everyone being able to keep their doctor, right?

Sorry, but when "the left wing" has played the bigot (racist, misogynist, homophobe, transphobe) card so hard and so long that it's color has worn off, I have hard time believing that they know what "reality" truly is. Don't believe me? Go back and look at the smears against Romney and look at what they are saying about him now. Back then, he was an animal abusing, woman suppressing, religious nut-job. Today, he's the sane pick for Secretary of State. Seriously, how long did you think the American public would believe the BS when you tell them same BS every four years, only to back off your claims a few weeks after the elections end? Well, the elections you win, anyway.

Did you ever stop to think that maybe they simply disagree with your policies for reasons other than hatred?

Comment Re:And to think the DNC wanted to face Trump... (Score 1) 2837

Sorry to be the one to have to inform you of this, but this is not just about bathrooms. Sure, bathrooms are all you hear about on the news, because that's how it's framed. No one really cares the sex of the person in the stall next to you. Opinions change when you start talking about locker rooms, showers, and other facilities, especially when these facilities are used by children.

Sexual identity issues and bathrooms do not equal boys and girls in school showering together. You're literally making that up.
This is from the Charlotte non-discrimination ordinance:
"A place of public accommodation may not refuse to provide the full and equal enjoyment of its facilities based on a protected characteristic, such as gender identity and gender expression. Restrooms, locker rooms, and other changing facilities are covered by the ordinance."

Here is the source:

Oh, but you said boys and girls. OK. Let's look at what the Obama administration wants:
"Schools should let transgender students use bathrooms, locker rooms and other sex-segregated facilities consistent with their gender identity, according to the guidance." ...
"The letter does not carry the force of law but the message was clear: Fall in line or face loss of federal funding."

Comment Re:And to think the DNC wanted to face Trump... (Score 1) 2837

Whenever i see it it's almost always people complaining about the fringe left like it's the mainstream.

Do you not know that the head of your party will cut off school funds if a school does not allow boys to shower with girls? That's pretty damn far to the left and definitely "mainstream" within your party.

Sorry, but I don't believe that all women must be forced to feel uncomfortable just because and EXTREMELY small minority of men feel uncomfortable undressing in front of those with the same biological equipment.

And no, I'm not sorry, but the first man that follows my little girl into the locker room at the local YMCA is not going to like the result. But I'll be one getting in trouble because your "mainstream" left doesn't see anything wrong with a grown man getting naked in front preteen girls who are trying to change for swim practice!

Comment Re:Nude == Rude? (Score 1) 172

Apology accepted. My daughter will be educated in the ways of life. My point is that it is up to me to decide when my daughter learns these things. That is not a decision left to idiots in the general public.

In other words, I'm not depending on the village to raise my child. If any of the village idiots try, they will find themselves dependent on the village to take care of them.

I'm her parent. Not that asshole.

Comment Re:What was the command? (Score 1) 154

yum update -y && reboot

Actually, it kicked off a bash script that consisted of 100,000 commands that took a team of programmers six months to write and debug. But to him, management, it was just a single command that he typed in and took all the credit.

(it's a joke people)

Comment Re:This is why I gave up PC gaming (Score 4, Interesting) 103

I think he just likes the fact that he can go to the store, buy any game with his console's name on it, and it is guaranteed to work. He doesn't need to worry about having the right OS, the right amount of RAM, the right processor, the right video card, the drivers, and so on. Of course, even if his system is set up perfectly today, the specs will change as his machine ages. In other words, a video card that will play any game today, will not play any game in three years. A PlayStation Three still plays every single game made for a PS3, from the games that came with the system on launch day to the games that are still being released today.

Comment Re:FP (Score 2) 165

We don't need wi-fi, remote unlocking or push-button start or any of that other unnecessary nonsense.

There's nothing wrong with these features. The problem is when you can reach the brake system from the bluetooth in the radio. There is no reason why these systems could not be separated, even air gapped.

Comment Re:Infinity (Score 1) 1067

But a properly written program should never get in a situation of dividing by zero, and this is one of the dumbest "Ask Slashdot" questions in a while. Masking the interrupt makes about as much sense as driving blindfolded so you don't see the people you are running over.

Let's say a business divides the profit among all employees who meet certain conditions, say, a sales quota. If the profit is $1000 and four employees met the condition, their bonus is $250 ($1000/4). Now, what happens if no employees meet the quota? Your formula ends up being $1000/0 and crashes.

Yes, the programmer should have planned for this, but that is the point of the question. The programmer is tired of combing through thousands of lines of code looking for division to see if it's possible to get a divide by zero error, and then having to sanitize is divisor for every one.

So, I respectfully disagree with your reasons calling this a stupid question. He's asking, "Is there a better way of doing this than method X?" and you're saying, "That's a stupid question because if you used method X, you wouldn't have to worry about finding a better way".

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