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Comment *snort* (Score 1) 117

Wait, is this the same Mickos that first sold out to Sun, then proceeded to rail against Sun for "not keeping MySQL MySQL", then railed harder at Oracle when they acquired Sun, even going as far as to write open letters to the community and stating he wanted MySQL back? That Mickos?

That Mickos is a greedy two-bit hypocrite with a penchant for playing the victim.

Comment P-shaw... (Score 2, Informative) 424

As a westerner living in Jakarta, I am very familiar with slums around here, and believe me, the article is just romanticizing the whole thing. Sure, yay, slums are green. You know why recycling is a way of life there? Because it's the only income some people have. 30.000 rag pickers in Mumbai you say? Well, anyone think they're doing it because they want to be "green"? Fuck no, they're doing it because it puts their meal on the table.

Just for fun, think about this: You have a wife, and a child. You are living in, say, Jakarta, Indonesia. If you are lucky, every day you have $2 to spend on *everything*. If you aren't lucky, you have $0. Your "house" consists of plywood, 2x4's, maybe some sheet metal, and whatever else you have managed to fish out of the river that you live next to, that is filled with human waste, industrial waste, and god knows what else. This same river has a tendency to flood, so every so often you will have to take whatever belongings you have, and find refuge someplace else. That is, if the police hasn't performed what's colloquilly called an "eksekusi" where the original land owners want the slums cleared. In case the slum residents are unwilling, mysterious fires often solve the problem of them not wanting to move. Oh, I forgot, your trash picking that you do, every day, to bring money home? Yeah, you have to pay the local thugs "protection" money. So in the event that you get lucky and manage to make $2, expect to have to pay half to them. So, there you are with your dollar. Now you have three mouths to feed, clothe, and one child to educate. Of course, you cannot afford to educate your child, so he or she will never get any sort of good job. Food will consist of a bowl of rice. Maybe some veggies if you're lucky. If you're really lucky, a small piece of chicken. Split three ways. You bathe in the same river you shit in, you wash your clothes in the same river you shit in. Your clothes, by the way, are hand-me-downs, or free "event" t-shirts and shorts. You walk barefoot through the most disgusting things. You walk miles daily, barefoot, until your feet are so calloused up you could stand on knife points and not feel it. If you get ill, or injure yourself, the chances of seeing a doctor or the inside of a hospital are next to none.

Yeah, I see how that's being "green", how that is so "cool" and "urban" and how slums are such a good thing, and how slums are so incredibly self-organising. Some people need to have the blinds removed from their eyes, and see things for themselves. Yet, I want to bet the authors of the respective articles haven't set a damn food inside a slum for longer than the few hours it took to do their "research". Live it for a few months and see if you're still so enthousiastic.

Comment What a silly estimate (Score 1) 289

No, what you'd get for a billion Euros is that many lines of code. No idea if the code would be any good. But usually when managers are fixated on the LOC, you get lots of LOC, not necessarily GOOD or FAST code. Just lots of it. Been there, seen it, upchucked, many times.

Comment Re:Don't take candy from the government (Score 1) 941

Heh, yeah, same at my school but after it got to the point I was going to be failed I was called to the principals office to "explain my actions", at which point I made clear (I used to be and still am an insufferable little smartass) that a) failing PhysEd wasn't one of my worries, b) my grades in my other classes were high enough to compensate for failing PhysEd so I wasn't going to be held back a year, c) the classes are at the end of the day, so the minute the bell rings (which is end of PE class as well), I'm theoretically on my own time, so whether or not I decide to shower is at that point solely at my own discretion, and d) I didn't like that the PE teacher had an unhealthy obsession with looking at everyone's genitals to "make sure you wash properly".

Principal basically at that point threatened to inform my parents, and actually called them after I told him he could go for it, and they basically told him the same things - so that was the end of that, never heard jack shit about it again.

Showering good, but not if there's a rather slimy pedobear staring at my nuts... funny thing is that a few years after I graduated, a friend's sister went to the same school and found out that my PE teacher was fired for "improper conduct", and that there was now a female PE teacher. Who was lesbian. And basically spent most of the time after PE class in the girls' locker room doing the pedobear-stare.

Oh well.

Comment Re:One has to wonder (Score 1) 282

I work with a number of international nonprofits. Tracking data from their sites indicates that IE6 is still in use for 20-25% of their traffic. Admittedly, some of these sites get traffic from poorer countries where the technology is not at par with the U.S., but still... on those sites, we need to continue IE6 compatability.

Comment Re:Don't take candy from the government (Score 1) 941

Funny, this also happened at my highschool back in the 90's, but since PE class was usually at the end of the day, I'd just get dressed, go home, and take a bath in my own comfortable bathtub where the hot water would actually be hot, and the PE teacher wasn't doing a pedobear impression.

Comment Re:Because they're spilling over into my seat (Score 1) 940

Not much choice sometimes, I'm 6'1", weigh around 190lbs - this makes me a chunky mother. Unfortunately, whereas my gut and my legs fit just fine in one seat, due to being a bit on the tall end, I often can't fit my legs in the available space, unless I want to poke my knees in the back of the person in front of me. The same goes for arms and elbows. I usually get an isle seat so I can stick my legs out in the isle, and stick an elbow out in there too just so I can sit comfortably.

It's not just about "fatties", it is the fact that most airlines have reduced seat space and crammed more seats in compared to before. And for me, upgrading from coach to business or first class isn't an option, I'm not made of money.

Comment Re:Standard Slashdot Ruby comment form (Score 1) 197

True, the merb folks are a lot better in that regard, and if they succeed in "un-sucking" the greater RoR community that would be awesome. RoR is a nice piece of work, and it does deserve a better "image". One thing that it also needs is for DHH to back away a little because he comes across as some religious sect leader who's trying to convince people that his kool-aid is the best ever because it's fizzy

Comment Re:Standard Slashdot Ruby comment form (Score 3, Insightful) 197

I gave RoR a chance and evaluated it for a while, and while RoR isn't bad, it's community is absolutely terrible. Help is hard to get, and more often than not a simple question leads to 5 people falling over eachother to call you stupid in various degrees, yet they are unable to actually offer any help. A large majority (from what I've seen) of the community can only follow the "hype" and treats the RoR dev team like deities, yet has no idea how to do certain things, how to properly structure and architect software, and responds with vitriol when asked about this.

So instead I stuck to what I know, and have been using Catalyst for my projects. That community is awesome, helpful, knowledgeable and not afraid to help out even for dumb questions.

In short:
RoR: loud, obnoxious, hype followers
Catalyst: quiet, friendly, no hype anywhere (which unfortunately means Catalyst is a bit in the shadows)

Just my 2 cents.

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