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Comment Re: We're really not (Score 2) 257

I don't believe just solar and wind solve this either.

We need intelligent thought into alternative ways to produce energy. We need to distribute the energy load across as many sources as possible.

Meaning we need solar panels on all roofs. We need small windmills where we can. Rivers with hydro, that don't block the whole river and destroy the ecosystem. Tidal generation on the coasts. And new tractors to try and consume all the waste from the older plants.

Only when I see a balanced plan would I believe that someone has thought this through. But when shit goes south the always blame the engineer... Never the political party or CEO who really pulled the strings.

Comment Re:H1N1 (Score 1) 49

The other part that is despicable with China, they are forcing people back to work to re-open factories because they fear losing control and they fear the economic actions if other countries bring production back to their home shores.

Chinese companies have already been caught selling fake tests, what is next?

Comment Re: H1N1 (Score 1) 49

I think your missing people's points here, we know people will die, but have some sort of empathy towards it. What would happen if we could flatten it out and possibly only 10k people die? That is the goal here. Flatten it out and spread it out so we don't have to make decisions on who should die. Having a level of empathy towards an event of this magnitude and being able to put this all in perspective is kind of a rare trait.

Comment Re:More Stories about Last Pass (Score 1) 73

That is assuming you have time to get a wallet or purse. I don't know where you live but homes here are often wood, they go up pretty farking quickly. As a victim of a house fire, I can tell you, you are not searching for a wallet and pant, your getting your kids and S/O and maybe pets and getting your ass out of the house.

Comment Re:More Stories about Last Pass (Score 4, Insightful) 73

I almost modded this as funny, but then I thought you may be serious. And thought wow, this person must be a manager or VP of IT, because they are doing the single most dumbest thing I have ever heard. Let me guess, 2FA is useless also ?

In case of a fire where is your backup so you can get into your bank and order new cards, so you can ya know sleep on something other then a cardboard box down by the river? Is it in your parents office drawer upstairs?

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