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Comment Re:Two routers (Score 4, Insightful) 520

MAC filters, hidden SSID

Those don't do anything. MACs can be found by outsiders not connected to your network despite how encrypted the network is. Hidden SSIDs aren't anything either. The same tools that will display the MACs will also show all hidden SSIDs within range.

Sure, they block the average user, but anyone who wants to get in will have no trouble at all.

Comment Re:Instability through Obscurity (Score 2, Informative) 246

That's really only the case if you're installing packages from the AUR that are unmaintained or have a lazy maintainer. With the recent python3 switch, everything not in AUR (since that is user maintained), was updated to point to the appropriate python executable.

OR, the issue is that you're performing selective upgrades. Which, in that case, of course you're going to run into library issues. ANY rolling release OS is meant to be fully upgraded whenever an upgrade is performed, otherwise you risk breaking everything.

With Arch, it only breaks if you break it, since you have total control over everything.

Comment Re:Unionize. (Score 1) 608

You're right. Unions, when done right and behaving in the original spirit of the idea, are extremely beneficial to everyone. The employees get more money and the employers get happier employees. Happier employees perform better.

The problem is that no one ever hears about the good unions.

Comment Re:100% (Score 1) 866

It's not the best idea, yeah, but that's not at all what he said. He said 100% above 500k, not 100%. So you're still entitled to earn five hundred thousand dollars a year. Anything ABOVE that will go to the government. So those making a million a year only see half of it, with the other half going to the government. It's not a good idea, no one will go for it, but at least learn some reading comprehension before you berate his idea.

Comment Re:put your money where your mouth is (or shut up) (Score 1) 866

You know, I never thought of taxes as "reinvesting in our country." I mean, I dislike them as much as the next guy, and I'll oppose obscenely high rates, but I understand what they're used for and why they should be paid. But the way you phrased that makes it sound almost patriotic, which it kind of is. Thanks for that phrasing, I think I'll use it from now on if you don't mind.

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