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Comment US Official Urges ... (Score 1) 85

Response: We all promise that no one named Al will never, ever control the Nukes.

What's that you say? There much be a translation problem? I don't think so.

Now you got what you wanted, so give us lots in return. (What's that you say, Al, about your new friend Colossus?) OK, so never mind, we already have it.

Comment Diamond Shows Serious Cracks From Man-Made Stones (Score 1) 112

HA!! At first glance, I read it as man-made diamonds were somehow beginning to crack. (Age? Manufacturing defects? Aliens ... TRISOLARIANS?? Inquiring minds want to know!)

"Well that makes sense. They're fake, and nature of course does a much better job than man." I can just hear someone saying that line.

Comment Re:Why is this not easy? (Score 1) 22

[Embedded unique stamps.] Every place where this was done has to be stamped out.

Or perhaps just omitted.

Hashes, PGP/GPG signatures, Git, et. always contain the ENTIRE file. How about we add a special mode where something like "version:[0-9.A-Za-z](1,20)" -- if I've got my RE right -- are ignored during the hash.

This would allow a hash to be carried out on 99.99% of the file to indicate it's contents but still allow some uniqueness.

I also doubt that you could fit a malware attack into ~20 bytes of ASCII code, but that still need to be addresses.

Comment Really? (Score 1) 20

YouTube's new policies exclude animated content altogether

Really? I'm an adult, but that's exactly WHY I watch anime -- I know that none of it is real, EVER. Parents should make sure kids their know that Mickey Mouse isn't real, even those he has a theme park or five named for him.

If I wanted something even partially near to reality I'd watch the news.

Comment Re:Why is it legal to pay the ransom? (Score 1) 54

then then the people responsible at the company to prevent/mitigate the effects should be fired.

Really? As an architect, I know we should do it, but my boss's boss's boss tells us that something might be added in the budget for next year.

And you want ME to get fired?

Comment Re:This is why people hesitate to install "updates (Score 1) 81

However, most of the updates seem to be new features people do not want...

Then you want Windows to run LTSC (although it's been renamed to a different 4 letter thing.) It's the long term support branch with none of the OOOH, SHINY stuff.

Of course you've got to run an illegal copy, or pay $$$s for the super-duper license that gets you legal access. But I figure (IANAL!) that I've got a license for one version but I'll just use another instead. And it runs great! It's still Windows the way you're used to.

And now I've recently bought a new, current W11 PC and ... What. In. The. Sam. Hell. Hills. Is. This. Shit. ?!!? Taskbar stuck on bottom, Windows Explorer is visually atrocious and barely functional, and heaps of other complaints. The only good thing is dark mode for Task Manager and ... Jesus Christ, what have they done to the right click explorer option? Though tabs in programs "work", for extremely low values of acceptable.

If they keep this GUI wondaful-ness up, I'll move to Linux, trust my luck with Wine, and Remote Desktop into a box that only a dedicated app. I figure if I firewall all ports but for RDP I've got a fighting chance of not being remote hacked. (... besides that I'm not a business user with all of that potential exposure.)

Comment Re:Speak for yourself (Score 2, Insightful) 61

I'm a night owl. MIDNIGHT?!!? That's for wimps. Incrementing by mere seconds because "something I don't like happens"??? Crank that thing past 2 or 3 AM already; let's get the show on the road.

Oh wait, that's supposed to show how worried I am about the "state of the world", humanly, and all?

* The world (Earth) will be fine, it always will be. (ignoring that in 3B years when the Sun expands and eats it, but once again that's predictable.)

* Humanity? We'll live but some won't; things will change, people will argue. If a nuke / comet / Covid V takes 99.9999% of us out, a few will still make it. If not, there's always cockroaches. We need to teach them how to adjust the clock so they can be scared as well.

* All? Well that just depends on what all else actually IS, doesn't it?

Comment Re:What is sent back to Google? (Score 2) 33

How much of what's being written using this tool is sent back to Google?

The text you write. The actual generated text will come from Google's servers.

None of it. It's all private and Google never sees any of it, EVER. Why I'm surprised at you promoting false news and such. THINK before you post next time!

Wait -- why is my browser typing all by itself?

Comment Re:Coming soon: More fluff than the Stay-Puft MM. (Score 1) 33

Is this a harbinger of future AI which will be needed to summarize all the cr*p we are soon going to have to parse?

No, of COURSE not. The future has AI generating all of that cr*p for you to read for free, but then you'll have to subscribe to an AI that converts all of it back into normal English text again.

It'll be just like ROT-13, but with a dictionary and performing the decode costs: Money, Information, Location, SSN, DNA, History, OF account access -- take your pick. Or even better yet, we'll take OUR pick.

Comment Re:Talking to the car (Score 1) 86

I've got Google Mini, which responds to "OK Google".

Sometimes it's responses are a compete non sequitur.

Q: What time is it?
A: Alarm set for 4AM.

Q: What's the weather?
A: Closet light is set at red to 10%.

So I'm tall -- who will be responsible when ChatGPT moves the seat all of the way up and breaks my legs with the dashboard? (I have to go "Car Sitting" before I even go "Car Shopping." If I don't fit, I don't CARE how much it costs or about the gas mileage.)

And Google gets unhappy with me when I curse at it. So what's the car going to do? Disable the air-bags, speed up, and override the steering on the freeway?

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