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Comment Re:It depends (Score 1) 348

we disable local firewalls when we're deploying telephony application servers because of vendor requirements. Likewise, some applications require SELinux to be disabled as well.

they are simply badly designed apps, the vendor was lazy.
i'm guilty of doing that sometimes myself, but i'm not going to try and justify it - i was just lazy or pressed for time. it does not make it a good practice in any case.

Comment Re:Do you think there is only one guy with a missi (Score 1) 667

they supplied the sam system. they supplied the personnel manning it. they did pick the target... just that they fucked up.
of course, they are pretending thy know nothing about those terrorists they sent and armed there for this exact reason - so that they could say "ooooh, it's some innocent, peaceful rebels"

Comment Re:Propaganda (Score 1) 667

there's a difference between full scale, open invasion - and the slow creeping of special forces, a sam system here or there etc.
russia used this tactic in crimea, denying their involvement when everybody said it's them - then admitted it was them all along.
now they are denying their presence in the eastern ukraine...

Comment Re:I don't see the problem. (Score 1) 667

first, i'm a european - and we know what an invasion by russia looks like and means.
second, the plane was avoiding a storm, and was still supposed to be in safe height (nobody thought putin would allow to provide such weaponry to the terrorists)
third, the plane was jointly controlled by kiev and russian traffic controllers.
fourth. just a few hours before the hit, russia supposedly closed the corridor where mh17 was flying. might be a coincidence. but oh how you would trump that up if ukrainians would have done that...
fifth, the only ones who are hiding the evidence are the terrorists on the ground - that includes rocket remains, blackboxes etc. oh well, by now they are being hidden in moscow.

Comment Re:How far does it need to be dumbed down? (Score 1) 667

"no, we have no idea who shot down kl007" would be more appropriate. more recent, involves the same aggressor.
and if the usa issues official statement that they detected a missile launch from the terrorist controlled territory, you can bet their internal report said "duh, of course it's those guys".
one problem with "oooh, we don't know yet" is that it's one of the pr strategies that works for the kremlin - just wait a bit and those lazy germans, hooked on the gas, will forget about this...

Comment Re:Propaganda (Score 1) 667

indeed, in ukraine they are not operating as open as in crimea... but several of the leaders are "ex-russian-forces".
how convenient, isn't it ? both gru and fsb have been identified as "previous" workplaces of many.
there are also reports of some regular duty soldiers mysteriously dying - those are a bit harder to verify with dead bodies being transported back to russia with trucks.

Comment Re:News from two centuries ago (Score 4, Informative) 667

here's a usa statement (they got some satellites and other systems that help with gathering information) :
the careful wording in the world of diplomacy means "oh stop fucking around, it's 100% clear who did it".

At the time that flight MH17 dropped out of contact, we detected a surface-to-air missile (SAM) launch from a separatist-controlled area in southeastern Ukraine.

also, the terrorists are sent and controlled by russia. if that indeed was not them... you can be sure as hell they would allow any and all inspections, completely secure the area to prevent any tampering, get all blackboxes and deliver them to international experts. because it would be juuuust perfect for them.
they did the opposite.

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