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Comment Re:Bounds test? (Score 1) 165

unfortunately... this.
i'm not a programmer. i can't code anything. but when i see people wiring code and not bothering with any tests for it, i feel sad, because i am seeing way too many regressions in basic functionality that could be caught by a couple of simple tests.
in addition to passing these problems to users, it is also demotivating for other participants of a project that does not do proper test development. and i do not see a solution to this problem.

Comment Re:What's so bad about it... (Score 1) 210

I'm sure it will become a popular idea with recent college grads that enjoyed partying with friends that had camera phones, as well as hooligans.

...and then companies will start creating their own collections of publicly available photos.
a better outcome would be accepting parties as a good thing :)

Comment Re:Perhaps not (Score 1) 598

oh, that's bullshit. or you missed the point. why skip the full word, why hide behind a substitute ?
or, as louis ck put it, why try to plant it in the listeners' minds ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dF1NUposXVQ

or what about the interesting phenomena where black people may use word "nigger", but others (caucasians, asians, indians etc) may not ?

it's not the only example, of course, but one that seems to illustrate the state of censorship in the usa fairly well.

Comment Re:Perhaps not (Score 1) 598

they don't say it because they are afraid. whether they are afraid from corporations or govt makes little effective difference. also, "in the right context" means "self-censoring a bit less"...

and this is the great thing about america - some americans will rationalise everything to show how america is the greatest and how any problems pointed out actually are GREAT :)

(and i do think the american self-censorship regime is slightly better than govt-imposed censorship. i just can't agree with it being all fine and dandy)

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