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Comment Re:How the Scots can F the Brits (Score 1) 493

Spain has stated that if Scottish independence is gained within a correct constitutional framework they will not oppose it.

They've stated they would not oppose the validity of an independent Scottish state, but they have said nothing of the sort with regards to said state's EU membership.

How again is that bullshit?

Comment Re:What happened next? (Score 1) 493

Sinn Féin's abstinence from Parliament effectively reduces the number of seats required for a majority to 322, so that would give a CON/DUP alliance a 6-7 seat majority. But that's still too slim in my opinion. Very much like the Major government of '92-'97 - a couple defections here, a couple bi-elections there - and the majority is gone. Certainly not a suitable state of affairs going into the most important negotiations in a generation.

Comment Re:Great, but what about open codecs? (Score 1) 136

Yes, there is a marked difference. I don't remember Theora, Dirac, etc having the backing of Adobe, Microsoft, Amazon, AMD, Broadcom, Cisco, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Mozilla, Netflix, Nvidia and Realtek amongst others.

Oh, and guess what? The people who have to pay the licence fee care about the licence fee - which is precisely why the Alliance for Open Media was created in the first place.

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