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Comment Re:When/Where (Score 1) 24

I think I saw two of them last night (Tues) just in the couple of minutes it took to take out the garbage. One to the north and one to the west...from Gemini. This was early too. Like 9:30pm. Hope the weather holds out in New Mexico.

Comment Re:Are we ready to accept it? (Score 1) 238

I don't know. I thought encrypting everything ate up more bandwidth with more overhead, and I just notice the little padlock icon by the URL more and more. Something is sure driving up the number of bytes for basically an unchanged daily reading pattern. Don't notice it, of course, when using WiFi. Maybe it's just more cloudcrap going on, but that shouldn't have changed much, either, and it's megabytes. Darn NSA. I understand, except for my problem. :)

Comment Re:Are we ready to accept it? (Score 1) 238

I used to be able to surf the headlines of my morning list of websites before going to work on my iPad using a Verizon connection for about 10MBs. It now takes about 15MBs. That could be iOS8, HTTPS, the lack advertising blocking software and/or the increase in advertisements, or whatever. The point is megabytes is [now] money [that I have to pay for], and I don't get any say in controlling the amount of my data plan everyone sucks up -- if I still want to keep reading the same set of headlines in the morning.

Comment Re:Rocket science is called so for a reason (Score 1) 71

The only problem I have is that they saw this same valve problem on a previous (the last one?) launch of the DIVH. And I can't imagine they didn't see it during testing too. I guess they didn't think it was important enough to stop a launch, and fix it before it did. Watching the wind to 'manual'. Too funny. It's sad that they thought they needed a computer to watch the wind in the first place. What's the saying? Hoisted by my own petard?

Comment I'd say you are gong to have to do both. (Score 1) 211

When full-on apps can be written in Swift (like when the language is up to it) iOS and all of the API stuff and most of the books and documentation and example code will still be in Objective-C, so you'll have to understand it. Once all of that starts getting converted to Swift then you will have to know Swift. It can be done on your own, but it is an uphill battle. Understand C and that will be half the battle.

Comment Re:At -40F/C? (Score 2) 194

I meant the "exahust" out the tail pipe. Where I work it would be great to power our equipment with fuel cells in the Arctic/Antarctica, but there's no way to get rid of all of that water vapor exhaust. It will eventually build up into a big chunk of ice. And if everyone starts using this you can't just let it drip on to the road in cold climates, or the road will be covered with ice, and you can't keep it in some tank where it will freeze. I guess there will just have to be some oil-buring heater add-on that evaporates it. :)

Comment Now we know everything? (Score 1) 347

So I guess there's no question that we know every detail of what happens as a star is collapsing and that the photons didn't just take longer than we think they should to make their way out? And, also, wasn't this optical photons they were looking for? What if there was a brightening, but below the threshold of the detectors? If it's radio/X-rays/etc. then see the first sentence.

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