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Comment Re:Good...? (Score 2) 279

Have you ever tried logging into a box at runlevel 3 and typing "startx"?

On the super rare occasions where I'd need a GUI at the console of a system, this would work well enough for me (assuming all of the proper packages were installed).

A regular practice for me was to do installs as "minimal desktop" and then during the final configuration, change runlevel to 3 in inittab.

Comment Re:Because 32bits of addressing... (Score 3, Informative) 460

In an interview one of the designers of IPv6 admitted that they should have made it backwards compatible. Hindsight being 20/20 and all that.

The impression I get (since I'm part of the group that runs the network for a major southeastern university) is that everyone should be running dual-stack for a while. Any infrastructure equipment you get that runs v6 should also be able to run v4 fairly easily. Any time we upgrade all the equipment in a building, or put in a new building, the addressing for the switches gets done via IPv6. For a majority of desktops, dual stack is available. For servers ... it depends (the issues there being more human than technical).

But we have the money available to us to have IPv6 capable equipment. At home, FiOS has yet to provide me anything that provides IPv6 connectivity natively (ignoring tunneling). From what I've ready recently, say what you will about Comcast, at least they're deploying it.

The impression I get from your post is that you have equipment (both infrastructure and otherwise) that's more than 10 years old. I feel for you; we do, too. To a large extent, I'm not so sure you want an OS that old to have any kind of Internet access anyway. From a "It makes me feel good" stand-point, it would be nice if there were an easily implemented v4-v6 translation method available, but there just isn't.

So, what am I trying to say? Well, I've never talked to the "IPv6 crowd," but I don't doubt that they can be obsessive. But need to maintain an internal IPv4 network? Oh my, that can't be that hard. IPv4 isn't going away any time soon, and I seriously doubt there's anything out there on the services side (IE, a website) that you couldn't easily get to via IPv4 (unless it's an IPv6 proof of concept site).

It's going to be outside-in. Until all the major providers of home internet are providing at least a majority of their customer base IPv6 access, it's not going to be that big a deal. And even after they're doing that, you've got to assume that they'll be dual-stacking it, too. At least for a while.

Submission + - Swedish researchers uncover key to Great Firewall of China's Tor-blocking tricks (v3.co.uk)

An anonymous reader writes: A pair of researchers at Karlstad University have been able to establish how the Great Firewall of China sets about blocking unpublished Tor bridges.

The GFC inspects web traffic looking for potential bridges and then attempts "to speak Tor" to the hosts. If they reply, they're deemed to Tor bridges and blocked.

While this looks like another example of the cat and mouse game between those wishing to surf the net anonymously and a government intent on curtailing online freedoms, the researchers suggest ways that the latest blocking techniques may be defeated.


Submission + - NASA's Kepler mission extended for two years (nasa.gov)

An anonymous reader writes: A report just released from NASA's senior review panel recommends extending the Kepler mission, initially for two years. "Kepler is not only a unique source of exoplanet discoveries, but also an organizing and rallying point for exo-planet research. It has enabled remarkable stellar science." The scaled-down budget for the extended mission was broadly expected to include funding only for continued operations and management, with no funding for science. Astronomers have already started seeking private funding to continue their Kepler-related work, through crowd-funding websites like PetriDish and FundaGeek, as well as through the non-profit Pale Blue Dot project.

Comment Re:iPhone (Score 2) 183

Read some of the iPhone 4S doco/articles, and you'll discover that it's not a 4G device. On *anyone's* network.

It will do HSPA+ 14.4, but that's supposedly only marginally faster than 3G speeds (I haven't done more than read an article or two about it).

One would theorize that when Apple finally makes a 4G device, it will be LTE (which is what Verizon and AT&T are already deploying) and not WiMAX (which is what Sprint deployed and will probably abandon by 2014). So, best that Sprint at least have some LTE deployed by the time Apple releases a 4G capable iPhone.

On a personal note, I've been a Sprint user for eons, and got an Epic 4G on release day. I've got until probably second quarter 2012 on the contract, so I'll probably wait to see what's available and if my area has LTE before I upgrade. The Epic Touch 4G is nice, but I'd rather save the money (and wait to see how things are next year).

And it probably won't be an iPhone when I do upgrade.

Submission + - linux is not a crime

An anonymous reader writes: A colleague of mine submitted a personal laptop (macbook) to IT of a department of a major university in the University of California to be checked prior to access being granted to the network. The response was:
I am currently setting up your laptop for xxxxxxxxx department. I noticed you have Ubuntu and Windows running on Virtual Box. We cannot have linux computers on the network , and cannot have any copies of Windows running that aren't joined to the xxxxxxxxx Network. Also, there is Bittorrent software on the computer which isn't allowed.
I can remote the bittorrent and the Virtual machiens and then the computer will be able to be added. Would you like me to do this? Any files or programs that you have installed on them will be lost.

I am surprised at the policy against linux, especially given the amount of research that gets done in the University of California using linux and other open source projects. Is this a trend? Do they have a basis for security concerns regarding linux?
The other sad thing is the banning of bittorrent, which is simply a file-downloading program.

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