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Comment Spying on Americans not about finding terrorist (Score 3, Insightful) 307

And the politicians using double and triple speak know terrorist can do the same making any communication looking like common conversation..

The Spying and lying through the main stream media is just a manipulation feedback loop of the Peoples employees of government manipulating the employers (the people) among the many other things the Employees of the people are doing against the Declaration of Independence. i.e. stealing the retirement funds of the employers (the people) funded by the employers (social security), illegally arming the police with military equipment (and having the employers. the people pay twice for the same equipment claimed to be "surplus") while trying to suppress the employers arms (anti-gun efforts) and more . Its time the people apply their rights and do their duty and instruct those working in the peoples business of government, how the funding (taxes) they are supplying is to be used.

Its simple to do, a form to allow the taxpayers, the funders of government, to say how their taxes are to be used and included in the tax returns for the tax processors to allocate the funds according to the taxpayers instructions. Also needed is teh government transparency information, what the government wants funding for so the people can each decided to fund or not. If the government doesn't say, they don't get.

If there is a problem with allocation then funds are placed in a credit union account till government supplies verified receipts in accord to teh allocated funds, for reimbursement.

There is no need to spy on the employers, as the employers will set the budgets and this way the representatives will actually know what to do to represent the people. And the People will become participants rather than subjects.

This is a republic, not a democracy but democracy is only to be a supplement of the republic. However two universities (Princeton being one of them) have technically determined the government is functioning as an Oligarchy. Now read the Declaration of Independence for the instructions the founders wrote for what the people are to do about this distortion and abuse of bad business of letting the peoples employees run the funding of the peoples business of government bank account.,

Comment Green with Envy (Score 5, Funny) 164

I found this in the Overview of the Announcement Letter

"The name change serves to signal ... the role of the mainframe in the new digital era of IT."

Us old farts are envious of the new digital mainframes - we were seriously handicapped back then, working on all those old analog mainframes.

It isn't that mainframes are eternal, it's that marketing wonks who write this sort of stuff are allowed to breed...

Comment Cake PHP Framework - easy and fast (Score 1) 264

Cake PHP will generate an app extremely quickly if all you want is Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) of records, in a Model-View-Controller structure.

1. Define the database in MySQL
2. Run the delightful commands "./cake bake model all", "./cake bake.controller all", "./cake bake view all"
3. And you are done, 20 minutes after you started. Cake exploits naming conventions to give you auto generation of code, auto lookup of encoded values, etc etc. I have not yet discovered all it can do.

And best of all, you don't need to write any interface code, that is what a browser is for.

Comment Eben Upton: Raspberry Pi, its community, and more. (Score 1) 299

1. For the Raspberry Pi, for thinking up the idea, for getting people and companies engaged to make it happen
2. For the community around the R-Pi that formed after the launch, dirven by both Eben and Liz Upton (she deserves credit for the Blog on the R-Pi Foundation website, which has been an inspiration to many)
3. For the metric fuck-ton of creativity that the R-Pi releases. Almost evrybody who plays with it gets a wild idea and goes off and implements it. God only knows what it is that makes that happen, but that flow of white-hot creativity is what drives the whole R-Pi phenomenon.

Comment Witness Statement (Score 1) 415

In my career, I have seen Microsoft try 4 times to get a subscription model for Office working. Failed miserably every time. No-one wants to buy software that locks you into paying forever.

So if Microsoft go down the subscription route for the operating system, they will kill themselves stone cold dead.

Comment Dear Sony, I am delighted! (Score 4, Insightful) 155

Couldn't happen to a "nicer" bunch.

Would I be right to believe the Sony Pictures, being part of the Sony conglomerate, are infected with the same high-handed corporate arrogance that we have seen at Sony Music? "cough" root kit "cough"

I shall be wearing the smile today, all day.

Comment Really Excellent Professional Resources (Score 2) 107

Raspberry Pi Foundation has loads of stuff - see under Resources, Teach and Learn and Make http://www.raspberrypi.org/ - all intended for young people (and its on Creative Commons licences). The "Teach" stuff is written by Carrie-Ann Philbin, who is a professional teacher - she has quite a few videos of good stuff on Youtube.

The Mag-Pi, a magazine free to download (28 issues already) , has tutorials for games in both Scratch and Python, and Minecraft - anfd there's plenty of stuff in there that might fire YOU up! http://www.themagpi.com/

Comment Re:analog computer (Score 1) 91

What interests me the most are the levels of subconscious/consciousness and where all this combines to create our singular, waking awareness.

Based on evidence of the effects of dissociative drugs, psychedelic drugs, and general anaesthetics, it seems likely that our 'singular, waking awareness' is primarily an effect of the information transfer between various brain regions through the posterior cingulate cortex.

Of course, knowing that doesn't make it any less of a head-fuck to contemplate how strange it is to be anything at all.

Comment Re:Oh Please Edge Detection and Motion Detection (Score 1) 91

While you're not wrong, I do think that from the perspective of the article, it's also not really so relevant.

'This means that, in theory, an artificial equivalent of a brain-like cognitive structure may not require a massively parallel architecture at the level of single neurons, but rather a properly designed set of limited processes that run in parallel on a much lower scale'

Basically from my understanding, he's saying here that if we handle the sub-systems in a more traditional manner - as in, existing edge detection and motion detection algorithms in standard computing systems - that with ~50 parallel threads, we could have something brain-like.

It's also worth considering though that this is far less cool than it sounds at first blush simply by fact that the sub-systems would not be brain-like in the slightest.

Comment Re:analog computer (Score 1) 91

While it may seem analogue, I'd definitely call the brain digital from a functional perspective.

The amount of neurotransmitters, strength of electrical activity, and so on are definitely analogue inputs; but due to the way that action potentials fire in cells, you're either "firing them" or "not firing them" (analogy: magnetic data on a disc is also analogue, but we only really care about the on/off state of it). Most information appears to be transferred based on the rate of firing them, and is not encoded in any special aspect of the spikes themselves. Furthermore, you might then assume that the rate timing of the spikes may be considered analogue data - again though, it's not really. There is a refractory period that limits the maximal firing rate of a single neuron, and downstream effects of this basically mean that the firing rates themselves could also in theory be quantised in a digital manner (although it'd be a massively complex problem to actually figure that all out).

While the whole system is quite fundamentally different from our current digital computers, it is nevertheless something that could also be a digital system.

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