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Comment Re:Hyperbole inflation (Score 1) 332

I RTFA before it appears on Slashdot. I'm a developer on the WebOS platform. I understand his frustration. However:

His applications HAVE been distributed for MONTHS on Home brew forums. That is the point. His apps are OUT THERE. He is wanting to write the rules to get in the blessed App Catalog. Sorry, but currently the Palm App Catalog is in Beta and Palm is working hard to process all requests for apps to include to deal with someone who wants to do everything contrary to what Palm requests.

HOMEBREW is made for the open source crowd, right now.

Comment Re:Windows Mobile (Score 2, Interesting) 332

If you don't use the Palm SDK to develop, you can sell your wares any places you like. But downloading THEIR SDK means you agree to THEIR CONDITIONS.

NOTHING is keeping you from developing software on your Pre and selling to off your web site. You just can't use the Emulator or other software Palm developed to do so.

Far be it for Palm to want a solid and worry free user experience.

Comment Re:Hmmm... (Score 1) 332

Yes, because all developers should submit their for pay apps on the day that the pay catalog goes live. That is BRILLIANT!

Wait, no. Then we wouldn't have any Pay apps in a live Pay App Catalog at launch.

I'm fine with enough "buy in" to the process of distributing through Palm that fly by night developers that might not offer support are weeded out.

Comment Re:Hmmm... (Score 3, Interesting) 332

Stuff like this?

I opened a free bank account and pointed a free PayPal account to it. Total time, 1 hour at bank and on computer.


Apps submitted for sale from Palm.

Yes, there are issues with Palm creating the infrastructure to handle all developers apps being submitted. However, the poster is constantly deciding that he won't do the simple things Palm asks, to help them manage the volume. Fine, those "problem" developers can wait until everything is figured out.

Why in the world should Palm spend hours and hours appeasing a developer of two mediocre apps (yes, I've used both) when the same time could get a dozen more developers setup for submitting apps. Obviously, it is some sort of conspiracy, rather than just good business sense.


MPAA Botched Study On College Downloading 215

An anonymous reader writes "The Associated Press reports that in a 2005 study the MPAA conducted through an outfit called LEK, the movie trade association vastly overestimated how much college students engage in illegal movie downloading. Instead of '44 percent of the industry's domestic losses' owing to their piracy, it's 15 percent — and one expert is quoted as saying even that number is way too high. Dan 'Sammy' Glickman's gang admitted to the mishap, blaming 'human error,' and promised 'immediate action to both investigate the root cause of this problem as well as substantiate the accuracy of the latest report.'"

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