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Desktops (Apple)

New Targeted Mac OS X Trojan Requires No User Interaction 322

An anonymous reader writes "Another Mac OS X Trojan has been spotted in the wild; this one exploits Java vulnerabilities just like the Flashback Trojan. Also just like Flashback, this new Trojan requires no user interaction to infect your Apple Mac. Kaspersky refers to it as 'Backdoor.OSX.SabPub.a' while Sophos calls it at 'SX/Sabpab-A.'"

Comment Unless you're wearing a hoodie and buying Skittles (Score 2) 301

and then it's still open season in the land of the free.

Stop watching the news media reporting on crime 3 states away and realize that urban violence and murder rates are at historic lows in the cities of America.

Please accept my sincere my thanks for your service to our country that has protected us from imaginary foreign threats while we're still stuck dealing with domestic threats that refuse to accept losing a civil war. I am envious of your bandwidth.

Comment Finally, it's the year of Linux on the desktop! (Score -1, Troll) 231

Surely, the news of a video driver that "works fine if you don't care about performance or are fine with running hardware that's a few generations old" is the awesome secret magic that the masses have been waiting for. And it's free as in beer! As long as you don't care about your mug of beer being poured from 20 mugs of swill. The only thing holding my nana back from ditching windows is lack of an apk-approved HOSTS file for the ooboontooo.

Comment Awesome citation. (Score 1) 577

Oh really? You sound like someone who reads DailyKos, didn't you get the message about Operation Hilarity?

While I realize that the GOP is adamant in its opposition of funding public education -- despite the long-term ramifications such a policy has toward global competitiveness -- surely, your coloring books depicting Jesus Riding Dinosaurs taught you that when citing primary sources, you should make sure that they support your argument?


So let me get this straight, in your world, the chances of "the one candidate who has a chance against Obama" is such a weak candidate that a small number of Democratic voters in Michigan is able to futz with his ability to secure the GOP nomination? Wow. I knew Republicans were shitting bricks, but I didn't realize that they were shitting so many bricks that they could build a Romney-sized mansion out of them, complete with a Romney car-elevator.

Comment I don't think you understand what homophobia is. (Score 3, Informative) 577

Somehow you've confused Santorum's homophobia -- homophobia that as a Senator, he sought to have inscribed into the letter of the law of the United States; homophobia that as a Presidential candidate, he sought to have executed by the powers of the office -- with a successful, embarrassing-to-said-homophobe re-definition of his surname.

I don't understand your outrage. You should praise the beauty that is the living language we call English.

Comment To my dearest genius (Score 5, Insightful) 577

The second part of your point (respectfully bolded for your genius):

Its only when the US goes fucking up in other countries (which seems to be quite often lately) do we notice, mostly because we have to go in and help clean up your mess.

Contradicts the first part of the point that you thought you were making:

I know many Americans are too arrogant to grasp this, but most of the world's population don't actually know let alone care about most things that happen in the USA.

Given the above,

Regardless of your personal view of how important US politics may be, even on a global scale, Slashdot is meant to be a Tech. news site. Lets keep it that way please.

Regardless of your clear genius, the political direction of the US Congress, Presidency (and judiciary that they put into power) directs the crafting and execution of legislation that applies to geeks. If your head wasn't preoccupied with spelunking the deeper regions of your colon, you'd be aware of such geek-centric topics as net neutrality, copyright, and piracy, and how US policy is deeply intertwined with global policy.

Comment He was backed by the Christian Right. (Score 0, Redundant) 577

That is, people who view Mormanism as an anti-Christian cult, and thus, distrust Romney. Romney's pledge to "Say whatever it takes to agree with the crowd I am currently speaking in front of" has only fueled this distrust.

That is to say...

His backers were the same ones who pushed Gingrich and Bachmann; trying to make the Republicans attack each other for as long as possible an idiotic belief* not grounded in any sense of history or reality.

* In other words, 'the belief of an idiot'.

Comment "Nerds don't care about politics" -- tomhath (Score 5, Funny) 577

To my dearest Thomas,
The results of elections affect the entire world. Please instruct your ignorance to go fuck itself, and please take time out of your day to send Mr. Frothy-Mix a letter asking him how he thinks people without insurance deal with the hospitalization of a 3-year-old.



Comment The definition of 'best'. (Score 0, Troll) 183


in this Instructable I will show you how to make a really good paper airplane i have pondered and wondered if this is really the best but i have recently done some tests and my conclusion was that yes this was the best paper airplane. the farthest i have gotten this plane to go is 112 feet!!!

The farthest point on Earth from me is in the middle of the fucking ocean, and I don't feel the need to exclaim to my wife "Honey! I've discovered the best place on Earth where we can fuck like animals while I teach you the superiority of a properly-configured HOSTS file vs. antimalware software!"

The Internet

Bufferbloat: Dark Buffers In the Internet 124

Expanding on earlier work from Jim Gettys of Bell Labs with a new article in the ACM Queue, CowboyRobot writes that Gettys "makes the case that the Internet is in danger of collapse due to 'bufferbloat,' 'the existence of excessively large and frequently full buffers inside the network.' Part of the blame is due to overbuffering; in an effort to protect ourselves we make things worse. But the problem runs deeper than that. Gettys' solution is AQM (active queue management) which is not deployed as widely as it should be. 'We are flying on an Internet airplane in which we are constantly swapping the wings, the engines, and the fuselage, with most of the cockpit instruments removed but only a few new instruments reinstalled. It crashed before; will it crash again?'"

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