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Comment Re:Open Standards != Open Source (Score 1) 493

As for your first paragraph - thanks for re-confirming my point. Web was indeed built on open standards BUT commercial software. Remember when original Mozilla browser cost[ed] money? I don't even talk about the quite expensive server software. That didn't stop the web growth though exactly because the underlying standards were still [very] open. Except GIFs.

As for current Mozilla situation though - you're totally wrong. They can freely (and Freely) implement the H264 player and build it into their browser. Why they _don't_ do this is because they are citing the concern about authoring this content (which is totally not their business, but they still feel they should not do it).

As here's why Google becomes important as the content heavyweight.

Comment Re:This knee jerk reaction is amusing to watch (Score 1) 493

Please prove that VP8 is not "patent encumbered"?

Also tell me that you don't use MP3 and want Google or somebody to remove its support too?

Anyway, these H264 patents expire in like 12 years or so. May seem like a long time but actually it's not quite. If CSS or GIF are any indication things on the Web don't move as fast as people would expect. When VP8 matures, gains hardware support, a critical mass of content - boom! H264 becomes totally free. Still of better quality per bit.

Comment Re:Wishing him well (Score 0, Flamebait) 471

> He refused to acknowledge his daughter, who his mother initially had to raise on welfare payments.

This is not quite true. Jobs doubted that he could have children so he was not *quick* to acknowledge her. And I doubt anyone will (or should) be quick to take responsibility for the children born from such occasional sleepovers.

Anyway, her name was/is Lisa and Jobs calling their first proper computer "Lisa" kind of contradicts the claim that he "refused to acknowledge" her.

Comment Re:Why not Firebird? (Score 1) 263

a) It's less unpopular than you think.

b) And being "unpopular" is actually a nice feature.

c) Historical documentation problems. Less of an issue now, but it used to be "lore-based".

Also, the stricter RDBMS is the more unpopular it will be. You *can't* be as sloppy with it as you can with MySQL (or even Postgres). For starters - because transactions everywhere and case-sensitivity.

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