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Comment Re:If you care enough to encrypt a volume... (Score 1) 258

Because you're not uploading a copy of the entire file system, you're only uploading a few files that happen to reside in an encrypted file system for convenience (as opposed to having an encrypted partition and a non-encrypted partition, a scenario in which you will probably be wasting space in the non-encrypted volume).

Comment Re:Give something else a try (Score 1) 341

I know you will, and trust me, I thought deep and hard about this, but even though I read and cherished all your love letters and emails begging me to stay, in the end I just had to do what is best for me. Believe me, this was not as hard for me as it was for you but eventually it would happen. It's better to have done it while I still had some sanity left.

You are very welcome to visit any time you want, though, but I'm guessing you won't. And that is one of the reasons why I had to leave: you are too close-minded and wouldn't let me grow, learn, improve and be happy. I know you mean well and that deep down you think you're doing the right thing and that there's nothing wrong with your closed world. I wish I could show you. I wish you would listen. I wish you could change. But I know you won't. And that's OK, I forgive you.


PS - Don't forget to feed jeff and stroke his head, he loves it and it makes him happy.
PPS - http://theoatmeal.com/comics/b...

Comment Give something else a try (Score 1) 341

I left the insane PHP world quite a while ago and wrote a post detailing some of my reasons. Even though PHP has improved a lot since then, the foundations still suck. For example, the vast majority of people writing PHP are still "web designers" who know nothing about writing proper code. And I just don't get it when people tell me I have to be patient because PHP is improving - why wait that PHP becomes better when you can work with better tools now? I get much better salaries and enjoy the projects I work on a lot more since I dropped PHP. It's just not worth it.

Comment I hate PHP (Score 1) 254

PHP is getting better but still has a long way to go before I can say I would choose it over other languages. Besides many of the things already mentioned here, I have a few more basic gripes with the language, namely its community/"ecosystem", Composer, namespaces and autoloading. I wrote about it in more detail and as expected (unfortunately), it generated lots of criticism from some fan boys, as well as some other more rational defensive comments from not-so-fired-up readers. I also wrote about what I consider to be the mentality of these folks who defend PHP as if their life depended on it, and how I hope they someday can see the light.

Comment Re:I already donated a few years ago... (Score 1) 71

It's the first time I'm hearing about IAC. That was not the company when I bought the two products, it was GG, nothing else. And at the time they actually had one guy from the community who was officially creating patches for the Linux version, and he was doing it for free. Suddenly they decided that the Linux version would be "community supported", which could be fine for a lot of people (myself included), but what infuriated me was when they simply decided that they would completely remove Linux support and not accept any more patches from that guy. This wasn't really costing them more money but they deliberately decided to fuck all the people who showed them their support, when they could have very easily maintained Linux as a target platform. So, as I said before, screw you GG.

Comment I already donated a few years ago... (Score 5, Interesting) 71

Crowdfunding to port Torque to Linux? Interesting... but I'm not falling for that one again. I already "donated" a few years ago, when I shelled out over a couple hundred dollars for both Torque3D and Torque2D under the promise that they worked on Linux (they actually sold three versions: Windows, Mac and Linux), only to have all my requests for help completely ignored when I complained that neither of them worked, and see the whole Linux ball dropped a few months later. So GarageGames: screw you, you're not getting my money again.

Comment Monetary damages (Score 1) 66

The suits are seeking monetary damages on behalf of potentially millions of users of the three companies.

Cool! I'm a user of google and facebook, so if they win, I'll get some mone... oh, wait...

I simply don't understand how this idiotic flood of lawsuits from everyone suing everyone else is still allowed. I mean, has anyone stopped to think of how much time and money is wasted on stupid cases? Not that this subject isn't important but come on, seeking monetary damages on behalf of the users?! WTF?!

Submission + - Gmail Video Chat now available on Linux

borfast writes: If you use Gmail on Linux, you may have wondered when would you be able to use the voice&video chat that Windows and Mac users have enjoyed for quite some time. The wait is finally over; Google yesterday announced video support for Linux browsers. Now if only Pidgin could get their act together and provide a solid video chat functionality in their client...

Comment Re:Nature, red in tooth and claw. (Score 1) 249

We are natural, indeed. Unless someone else created us (I don't believe in a god or a "superior entity", btw).

So we're either a glitch in Nature's seemingly perfect system, or a far technologically superior alien race made us.

That's actually a thought that crossed my mind a few times. Not that I give it any credibility or much thought at all but sometimes I imagine that we're nothing but tiny little particles in someone else's universe. Kind of like the galaxy in MIB 1 :)

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