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Comment Re:google (Score 1) 176

Only if they don't index anything. How are they to magically know who owns copyright to every page on the web?

Take your post for example. How does anyone know you wrote it? So, if someone sends a DMCA complaint against it, then Google should not index it and Slashdot shouldn't publish it because no one can lie in your holy DMCA complaints?

Comment Re:The best defense against scams (Score 1) 158

Your post reeks of self-righteousness. Most anyone being accused of child porn would pay for charges to go away, whether they downloaded any or not. That is an extremely bad charge that could ruin a person's life even if they win the case.

There are also plenty of Nigerian scams which are not caused by fraud on the part of the victim. For example, one where the fraudster buys something from a victim and sends a fake check for more than the amount, and asks them to deposit it and send the difference back. Most people not knowing the scam will do it.

Comment Re:Fears of this (Score 1) 93

... What if I'm just lounging around the house and happen to have the television on or a song playing on the Nexus Q, am I going to be sued by Sony or making illegal copies of copyrighted material? Are they going to build in a kill switch for Google Glass controlled by your content-protected television? ...

The big media companies already tried to pass a law requiring this. It was called the CBDTPA. It failed just as hard as SOPA, though some aspects of it have appeared in a certain company's OS in the form of "secure boot" and "trusted computing" and such.

Comment Re:How about a study that shows.... (Score 1) 285

...that sending bot generated DMCA complaints and other fraudulent complaints of works they don't own is disrespectful to the copyright holder and the author's free speech.

Sugar coat it however you like... rationalize it, justify it, whatever you do... it's still a violation of the rights of the real author.

Same goes for questionable lawsuits against writers of communications software.

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