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Comment Re:Look at that bottled water opportunity! (Score 3, Interesting) 176

Martian Water: Now only $1,000 a liter!

That would be an incredibly cheap price to pay for a sample from another planet. Considering the costs of storage, and transport yea that would be VERY cheap. The demand would be incredibly high and would not cover the shipping and handling costs.

Comment Re:Government shrunk to its Constitutional tasks o (Score 1) 1656

You always come closest to unattainable things while you're still striving to reach them.

A friend in college once told me (paraphrase) "If you think you can only get an will probably get a 70. If you think you can only get a will probably get a 90. Always think you can get a 110."

Comment Re:Government shrunk to its Constitutional tasks o (Score 1) 1656

Except that "perfect" doesn't mean flawless, but rather it means complete. It's not about a union without flaws, it's about a union without state-by-state insurgence.

According to Merriam Webster dictionary the first definition is about flawless. The 5th definition is about being complete. Also the most common use of perfection is not about complete first -it is a state of flawlessness. Typically, when something is flawless there is no way to make it better so it is thusly complete. But being complete is not the first answer
Synonyms: Perfect, Whole, Entire, Intact. Entire has an "implies" and then completeness. But considering the size of the entry, this is small

The framers of our constitution never intended for the consititution to be perfect or complete - it is a living body to be changed as the times changed. They were also arrogant SOBs and some of them were fairly racist (e.g. the three fifths clause). Thank god they had the forsight to realize someone may want to edit this document in the future.

Comment Re:B. Hussein Obama, first impressions (Score 1) 1656

Wrong, it is only PARTLY paid for by private funds,MOST is from public. This inauguration is 100+ MILLION more than any other. Obama is hardly getting less than the previous guy.

Yes, how dare he open up the mall to allow more people to view this event

The surge in spending is partly because of the Obama's decision to open the entire Mall to the public.

Other things that raised the price which is not the fault of the inauguration committee: Bad weather, Emergency services, security, Virginia and Maryland asking for money due to this event. The amount budgeted was actually 49 million. According to the article, you linked, obama asked people to hold events local to them to help alleviate the stress to DC. What does my current paragraph have in common, that the people came in the million+ range and the gov't has to acknowledge this with extra security, transportation, emergency services, etc.

I read the article you linked - where does it say that MOST of the spending came from the gov't and not private funding? The core of the event is paid by the gov't, plus things like the city services (transportation, security, emergency services, etc) are paid for by the gov't. The article does not say this - you say this. In fact, according to the article YOU quoted

Most of this new federal funding will be to deal with the huge influx of people, estimated 1.5 million to 2 million.

That is a far cry from "MOST is from public"

Comment Re:B. Hussein Obama, first impressions (Score 1) 1656

Yea it's supposed to liken him more towards Saddam Hussain and/or Muslims...specifically Muslim extremists.

The OP poster is racist and stupid. Being Muslim does not mean you are an extremist. Though the name Barak is also a name that Jewish folk used. Think Ehud Barak (former prime minister of israel).

Comment Re:It's true... (Score 1) 398

I don't agree with the 1:1 download:lost sale ratio. I don't agree with this judge, however. This judge is basically stating "even though company X created this work, and owns the rights to it, they should not be able to restrict how it is distributed". Hmm, can I go to my local car dealership and tell them "hey I think i am going to take one of your cars off the lot and not pay you for it" I would get arrested if i did that. If you don't own the rights to it then you do not have a say as to how it is distribtued/used unless the OWNER gives you that right.

That's fairly simple.

Comment Training (Score 2, Informative) 503

Your biggest hurdle is training. Getting people to learn the new software.

If your office trades documentation that has specific formatting that will be another problem unless you convert it to a standard like PDF. Then you run into the problem of people who need to edit those documents who are not using your software.

Comment Re:B. Hussein Obama, first impressions (Score 5, Insightful) 1656

Why should he be denied what the previous guy in office, who helped get us to this mess, got?

It's also paid for by private funds - not tax dollars.

It also generates revenue (tourism dollars, media ad buys, etc)

It also makes people happy to see the president they elect take the oath

It also lets the world know there is a new sheriff in town.

Comment Re:So ... change ... (Score 1) 1656

Assuming he proposed a bill today, and congress was nice enough to pass it today, do not expect anything to be noticeable by the people for at least 6 months (on the simplest of measures, like tax rebates).

Gov't is a takes a lot of effort to get it going...but once it does, it won't stop easily for better or for worse.

Comment Re:And then,... (Score 1) 1656

I was told that I should buy a car before he got elected, invest everything before he got elected, and take out ridiculous loans before he got elected.

I was told to do this because 1 second after he got elected all debts would be forgiven and the stock market would sky rocket!!!

Wait....hmm maybe it will take time for things to get better and won't be instantaneous. Hmm Dollar is up .0096 against the Euro. Oil is up .80. And everything else is down but about 2-4%

Comment Re:Time (Score -1, Flamebait) 1656

I was telling my friends. "If you were trying to get a loan, and they gave you before you signed the promisary note - would you still sign it?" He became President and but didn't make his promise until after the fact. I was expecting a big flicking of two fingers. Now the real question - did Bush's staff remvoe the "H"s from the keyboards in the White House?

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