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Comment Gnome 3 unusable? (Score 1) 204

What is the problem on Gnome if you have multiple virtual desktops and lots of windows on each of them? Virtual desktops work about just like in Gnome 2, except that they are dynamic by default - they are created when needed and removed when they are empty. And I would say moving windows to different virtual desktops is much easier under Gnome 3 than what it was under Gnome 2.
Under Gnome 2, if you had lots of windows open on one virtual desktop, the task bar was starting to get unusable - it was really hard to find correct window from the full task bar with really small icons. It is much easier under Gnome, when you can see window previews on overvime 2, since so much contribution effort are now given to MATE project for example. I will not be surprised that MATE will overtake Gnome 3 in a few years. I fact, I hope this will be the case, because projects that are unable to understand his users base will see there contribution effort going down over time.ew screen. It will get crowded as well, but not as fast as with Gnome 2.
And how exactly Gnome 3 breaks apps with multiple windows? Multiple terminals? Or Dia? I haven't seen any breakage.

Comment Re:Summary of Linux on the desktop (Score 1) 503

I totally agree. Gnome 3.10 which comes with OpenSUSE 13.1 is good and usable desktop environment. With few extensions it is almost perfect. After using Gnome 3.10 for several months, it is really hard to try to go back to KDE or almost any other system - they feel really restrictive.

What i especially like in Gnome 3 are:
- ALT+TAB which finally works how it should (shows windows from all workspaces and groups windows by applications). All windows from all workspaces must be shown because I have no idea in which workspace the window is what I want to use next. And by grouping windows by applications, it is much quicker to locate the window I really want.
- It is much easier to manage & move applications to other workspaces using mouse compared to for example Gnome 2 or KDE behavior.
- Overview is great way to find "lost" applications with its big previews. And its search is excellent.
- dynamic workspaces are great idea

What I don't like or what needs improvement:
- Access to systray icons and notifications has been quirky. In somewhere around Gnome 3.8 it gained big improvements though.
- Applications view in overview really requires some kind of grouping by application type. There is application folders but I feel it insufficient,

Comment Sounds good for me, just make llvmpipe "lighter" (Score 1) 378

I've tested Gnome 3 on kvm virtual machine. I used Fedora 18, and it did seem to work rather well. Also, I have Ubuntu 12.10 installation with vino enabled, and I connect to it using remmina - and it too works pretty well, even when I connected over DSL line.

Llvmpipe option should just automatically reduce all animation effects to minimum levels and it is all fine even on little bit older hardware too.

Comment Re:WTS 1982 C-64 (Score 1) 218

>turn on lights

Good start to the day. Pity it's going to be the worst one of your life. The light is now on.
Bedroom, in the bed

>get up

Very difficult, but you manage it. The room is still spinning. It dips and sways a little.

Comment Re:Splendid decision (Score 1) 202

I Like Gnome 3 quite a lot. I just fits my work habits really well:

* Alt+Tab (and Alt+Key-above) works just as I really want them to work. Perfect
* Dynamic virtual desktops concept is perfect for me
* Minimalistic look. I really hate when toolbars are full of icons, and every place is full of things.
* Desktop overview is good & easy (or whatever it is called, where you can manage your windows, and launch new programs etc.)
* Extensions!

I have only few problems with Gnome 3 - one being that gnome-tweak-tool should really be included by default.

My second favorite is Awesome window manager. I've also tested Xmonad and Kde quite extensively for several weeks, but Kde is way too "stuffed" and confusing for my tastes, and Awesome seems to be better fit than Xmonad for some reason.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: switching to open source tape backup, what about old tapes?

m.ardito writes: I work in the IT staff of a small company, since 2006 we used proprietary (HP openview data protector) software to backup lan/servers data: both incremental and full backup jobs end up being copied to Ultrium/LTO tapes.
Now we would like to switch to some good open source software replacing proprietary software but keeping that backup schema above, I'm thinking of bacula, mainly (suggestions?). We don't want to keep proprietary software around, but may need to read its tapes in the future (at least 1-2 years).
Now what I'm asking slashdot is: is there any easy and reliable way to convert those tapes or make (eg) bacula read them, or... other ways? What would you do pals? Are we forced to keep proprietary software working until we don't need its tapes anymore, while we switch to other software, or there are other workflows we can follow? I can think to restore those data with proprietary software to a temporary location and backing them again to (newer) tapes with (eg) bacula, but there are fulls and incremental jobs in most tapes, i can't figure out an easy and reliable way to to this. What would you do?

Comment Axis powers (Score 2) 194

Finland was not actually part of Axis - at least not fully. They fought with German against Russia, and they received quite significant help from German though.


Various countries fought side by side with the Axis powers for a common cause. These countries were not signatories of the Tripartite Pact and thus not formal members of the Axis."


Comment Re:BLECK! (Score 1) 647

Yes true. I can get KDE 4.8 to suit to my tastes and to work with my workstyle but it requires lots tweaking. Way more that to get Gnome 3 usable for me.

Btw, I did fresh Opensuse 12.1 KDE install to test some KDE things there, and here is some observations from that.

KDE settings are somehow unlogically placed on different categories. Quite hard to find (in Gnome 3, they are not existing, so you need to use dconf-editor...). Either is good.

1. Nepomuk wont die. Even if you disable it. In Opensuse, you cannot uninstall it because it is part of kdebase. Removing nepomuk things from /usr/share/autostart doesn't even prevent them starting up. Uninstalled all akonadi things, then deleted /usr/bin/nepomuk*. Done!
2. Active window glow is horrific. Disabled it immediately
3. All windows have way too many buttons/icons (5) in titlebar. Usually I only need one (close). Tweaked
4. Cashew is there sitting on desktop, and no easy way to get rid of it. ihatecashew should work here
5. KMenu is little bit irritating. For example, when shutting down the machine, you will need pleothra of clicks to get it done. This I could get used to though, same way as I can get used to Gnome 3 menu system.
6. Dolphin toolbar is awful. Okular is even worse with multiple toolbars. Again, I want my toolbars to have only 2-4 icons which I use most. Tweaked. Big plus for ability to get the toolbars to left side of the window instead of the top.
7. Single-click to open items is not good for me.
8. Focus follows mouse is must.
9. Empty black background without icons.

In default Gnome 3 installation, I did steps 3, 5, 7,8 and 9. Too bad in Gnome 3 I did not found a way to have application toolbars on left instead of top

Comment Re:BLECK! (Score 2) 647

If I try to remove nepomuk, it wants to remove all kde as well. On my Ubuntu machine I actually did just that you suggested, which then meant goodbye to my KDE installation. Do you have better option?

Just to test this, I did install Opensuse 12.1 to my virtual machine. Within default installation, nepomuk cannot be disabled (it still runs even after disable + reboot). In Opensuse, nepomuk is part of kdebase package, so removing this would remove KDE altogether too.

Comment Re:BLECK! (Score 1) 647

Oh. I meant Application toolbar, not the one on desktop. Because on KDE 4.8 by default, application toolbars are too cluttered by default. Customization is of course an option.

I will download and try newest Opensuse. I haven't tried that long time.

I don't care at all about KDEPIM applications or search. I am using recall as search, and that works beautifully for me, and indexes just whenever I want it. So, Nepomuk has been really pain.

Yes, best thing about KDE is its tweakability. And then if I hit my head to thing I cannot tweak of properly (like the cashew or nepomuk starting whatever I do) it really bothers me a lot. It should not force anything if everything is about customization options, right?

On my desktop, I want absolutely nothing. Nada. No icons, no picture. Only thing on my desktop has is pure black colored background. If all its functions are accessible via KMenu/panel, why then it needs to be on desktop? KMenu can be autohidden, that thing cannot.

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