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Comment Re:ORACLE = One Raging Asshole Called Larry Elliso (Score 1) 405

I met one of the guys that worked on the original Python spec and asked why they wrote Python when there were so many other languages already to choose from and he said, oh, I don't know, it's another language. And your sarcasm not withstanding, you can eliminate spaces like that as long as you replace them with another deliminator, which is actually the whole point.

Try C# if you want to be really pleasantly surprised.

Comment Re:ORACLE = One Raging Asshole Called Larry Elliso (Score 3, Interesting) 405

I can't believe this post isn't modded up more. More and more I feel like the readership of slashdot is a bunch of script-kiddies rather than professional coders. The idea that you would use whitespace to denote something as important as scope is ludicrous. In fact, the idea that you would use whitespace to denote ANYTHING is ludicrous.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: When Is the User Experience Too Good? 1

gadzook33 writes: I had an interesting experience at work recently wherein a colleague suggested during a meeting that we were building something that would make it far too easy for the customer to perform a certain task; a task that my colleague felt was deleterious. Without going into specifics, I believe an apt analogy would be giving everyone in the country a flying car. While this would no doubt be enjoyable, without proper training and regulation it would also be tremendously dangerous (also assume training and regulating is not practical in this case). I retorted that ours is not to reason why and that we had the responsibility to develop the best possible solution, end of story. However, in the following days I have begun to doubt my position and wonder if we don't have some responsibility to artificially "cripple" the solution and in doing so protect the user from themselves (build a car that stays on the ground). I do not for a second imagine that I am playing the part of Oppenheimer; this is a much more practical issue and less of an ethical one. But is there something to this?

Comment Re:As much as it pains me to say this... (Score 1) 262

No, lousy engineers are responsible for all that. The products we build are constantly praised by customers for their ease of use and simplicity of design because we spend hours worrying about every little detail. The problem is that you think UI/UX people aren't engineers. And no, the iPhone is clearly a hardware AND software product. Don't draw arbitrary lines around people or technologies, it won't get you anywhere.

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