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Comment Re:The Ruling Wasn't About Verbatim Copying (Score 1) 475

Well, it's not quite that simple. The judge said that a function prototype/signature was not copyrightable. Oracle's only claim, then, was that the "structure, sequence, and organization" of them was copyrightable. But that "structure, sequence, and organization" is the set of signatures that you provide, and which packages you put them in - which, in fact, is a pretty good description of the API.

Comment Not what it sounds like (Score 5, Insightful) 475

The jury was instructed that APIs were copyrightable. They found that Google infringed Sun/Oracle's Java API. But the judge will actually decide later whether APIs are in fact copyrightable (which question will almost certainly go to the Supreme Court before it's all over).

So what the jury actually decided doesn't mean much. It means that Google copied the Java API. Well, yeah, we knew that already.

Comment Re:I have an organ donor card... (Score 1) 516

I carry a donor card. Here's what it looks like to me: If I'm dead, you're welcome to the spare parts, because I don't need them anymore.

And if you don't take them, well, I'm still just as dead. Yeah, it's tragic that I'm dead, but that's a tragedy that's already happened (in our hypothetical situation), and you can't make it any better by refusing my organs.

Comment A rule from XP (eXtreme Programming) (Score 2) 997

Never work overtime for longer than a week.

Why? Because your brain gets tired. You make more mistakes. Mistakes slow you down enough that, after more than a week of overtime, net productivity goes down. (This isn't an assembly line, it's brain work.)

If your boss can't wrap his brain around that, start looking.

Comment Not novel (Score 1) 304

Look, we already went through the era of patenting obvious, well-known process X "with a computer". Then we went through patenting X "on the internet". We look back on that now, and we say, "Duh, putting it on a computer or on the internet didn't make it novel."

Is putting it on a GPU any better? No.

Comment Re:Does not violate the Fourth Amendment? (Score 1) 560

Different 4th Amendment issue: Surveilance of your house from the street. If I understand correctly, the cops can look all they want, but they can't use any technology that "looks through walls" (infrared, etc.) without a warrant.

So, by analogy (always a dangerous way to reason), TSA should be able to look with their eyes, but not with anything that looks under people's clothes. To do otherwise is to violate the 4th Amendment.

And, they can't weasel out of it with "it doesn't apply to us", because TSA is a federal agency.

Comment Re:More Info & Dashboard (Score 1) 1657

That's not "ruining it for everyone". That's "ruining it for a few people who were already relying on a subsidy to engage in a marginal activity". That doesn't exactly overwhelm me with the need for concern.

Now, you could easily give examples of people who were subsistence farmers, who didn't have a subsidy, and if their activity goes from "marginal" to "no way", well...

Comment Savage punishment? (Score 1) 452

Which will be what? Imprisonment? Well, that's too bad. Don't break into our computers, and you won't have that problem.

Guantanamo? That's a different matter.

Or is the allegation that US prisons are, in and of themselves, cruel and unusual punishment?

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As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality. -- Albert Einstein
