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Comment Re:Ooops! Sorry (Score 1) 150

The better solution is to allow the application to request a default list of permissions, and then give the user the opportunity to accept or modify them. The application would still work if the permissions are modified, though with limited functionality.

If you take control of your device rather than allowing your service provider or the OEM to control it, you can do just that. On my rooted Android devices, I revoke any permissions that I don't want an app to have.

Comment Re: The government wants you to hurt. (Score 3) 341

First, it was a joke. And second, your wired scenario is misleading, at best (Or simply a lie, depending on how you want it spun). Many government activities that sustain themselves rather than rely on appropriations (such as military base commissaries) have been closed simply to artificially increase the negative impact of the shutdown.

Comment Re:Ok? How is this new, or a big deal? (Score 1) 153

Used by which remote controls? Many cheaper universals can send only on the frequencies that are the most commonly used and cover about 95% of consumer IR devices, but it's not at all rare to find an IR remote-controlled device that operate a little outside those common bands, especially from smaller or newer manufacturers, and those universal remotes won't work with those devices. While a better (and more expensive) universal remote does. I have run into that myself, personally, with some obscure branded devices. A cheap universal I have couldn't learn their signals, while my more capable universal could lean them, as well as upload the hex codes for those IR signals to my computer for duplication on other capable remotes.

And "keys versus macros" was simply an example of signal length and complexity. Cheap remotes often only handle short, simple sequences while more capable remotes can handle more longer and more complex signals, including pauses. Not that you need specific signals for this application... just an open keyline.

So, the problem is simply that the IR signal involved is outside of the receive/transmit band of the specific universal remote he used. But that does not mean it is outside the receive/transmit band of every universal remote ever made, which the writer implies. The writer made an expansive, definitive statement based on a single example. If, by chance, the writer had used a better remote he might have made an expansive, definitive statement that universal remotes do work for this, and been equally wrong. Because some can work, and some cannot.

Comment Re:Ok? How is this new, or a big deal? (Score 4, Insightful) 153

Cheap universal remotes have limited frequency bands and can only manage capture and send short signals (discrete keys, say, instead of macros).

Good (and expensive, of course) universal remotes do not have these limits and would work fine.

The writer erroneously made a definitive statement based on a single data point.

Comment Re:Ok? How is this new, or a big deal? (Score 1) 153

He used the wrong universal remote. Rather than saying "a learning remote doesn't seem to learn the signal" he should have said "the one cheap learning remote with limited capabilities that I tested doesn't seem to learn the signal."

If you use a capable, programmable remote that can capture very long strings of signals across very wide frequency bands (like my trusty old Pronto TSU-7000), it could work as well (or maybe even better) than that toy.

Of course, since the toy is a far, far cheaper solution, use that.

Comment Re:you know hell has frozen over (Score 2) 531

Thank you so much for supporting my position so well...

Of course all those notions of checks and balances, democracy, social contracts, rule of law and basic self-determination all existed prior to the common availability of firearms.

The practice of those notions, unfortunately, was extraordinarily rare until firearms put the weak on equal standing with the strong. We have all those things today, things to be proud of, in great part due to guns.

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