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Comment Cool (Score 0, Troll) 219

OK, guys, now everyone should shut up about anything the government does, because it went open-source, right?
Does the Obama administration really think they can buy us off that easily? It's a significant step forward, but I don't think we should bother to praise them in any way.

Comment Re:I have a better idea (Score 0, Troll) 220

I think you are mistaking me for some sloppy developer that uses duct tape to stitch some HTML tag soup into something that resembles a blog or a shopping cart. And gues wat? [sic] I've earned MOST of my customers because my website is cooler than others. You have no idea what you're talking about, yet you just butt in the discussion like the OP. There are things like design patterns, test driven development, usability testing, etc. that make up a great application that looks and feels nice and is easy to use. People use my website for many hours during the day, so I have to do my best to make their work easier.

And gues wat? [sic] Many people visit my website instead of the competittors' because it's cooler than theirs.

Often (not always):
#1: rounded corners are cool
#2: complement colors are cool
#3: not having to see the whole page reload just to see an extra word is cool (ajax)
#4: clicking on something to show/hide elements instantly is cool

Compare this ugly website to this ugly website. If you don't feel the difference, you are a stone cold redneck. They're both ugly, but any human being can "feel" the difference.

I find that often times incompetent people will curse at those who dare call them on it.

And gues wat? [sic] That means absolutely nothing (it just says that many incompetents curse on others, it doesn't say anything about why you quoted me). Even if it did, it still would still mean nothing coming from you.
And gues wat? [sic] I find that often times incompetent people will try to enter discussions. I don't care if that doesn't make sense, what you said doesn't make any sense either

Please go back to your corner and read a bit about eye candy before I sue you for copyright infringement because you copied what I said without using <quote> tags.

Comment Re:I have a better idea (Score 0, Troll) 220

I sure hope the Google Docs dev team doesn't find you. You're not impressed by my cool JavaScript and fancy effects that make my website more warm and fuzzy? Well, I'm not impressed by your crappy mobile that can't even display web pages properly. We're still hurting our backs trying to write JS and CSS compatible with IE6 and you're bitching that it doesn't work on your "mobile device". Well, guess what: my fancy website is cooler than your so-called fancy mobile so-called device. Do you have ANY idea how difficult it is to make everything look and behave properly? And on top of all that shit, you also have to make it standards-compliant and on top of all that shit there are tons of other "rules" you have to follow to have usable code and on top of all that shit you have to write the code properly and on top of all that shit you have to have a life and take a break once in a while. Do you imagine how much a single "proper" web page would cost? Well guess what: If you don't like the fact that my business' website displays fine for 99% of my visitors but doesn't display properly on Motorola X4358V HRH, take your money somewhere. And guess what: we're not pefect and we're still trying to create near-perfect web pages that work on horribly broken software.

In other words: it would be nice if the real world would be as you want it, your arrogant, hypocrite fuck.

With love,
Professional web developer.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 438

Nobody said anything about the laptop being turned on. No clickety-clack, no pirating, no irc/aim. I also carry the laptop around with me when I go out, because I also work in my spare time. I go to a coffee shop, get a coffee, stretch my fingers and contribute to open-source as other geeks around me. We share experiences and valuable information. Should I decide to go see a movie, I'd have to go home first to leave my laptop and that's pretty far - a couple of miles, so walking isn't an option and the traffic is horrible, so driving isn't much of an option either, because either way I'd have to give up one hour of my life + energy to see some crappy 80 minute movie with 2 minutes of real action that made up the uber-trailer.

Comment Re:Unlimited trial (Score 1) 201

I've also played Hero Online like that for years. After about a year of free play, I got bored because advancing got very slow and difficult, so I put up some cash. I've paid them a lot, but I got plenty of entertainment in return. This is a good strategy and it seems very fair - if you like the game you pay, if you don't you just go somewhere else and stop loading the servers. There are also those that never pay and just rely on free stuff, but that makes the games more entertaining for those who pay, because there are more players to interact with.

This is not really newsworthy, because there are hundreds of games that have adopted this strategy (here are a few). Of course, this being Slashdot, the "D&D" is always newsworthy :)

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I'd rather just believe that it's done by little elves running around.
