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Comment Re:Good news (Score 1) 391

Well, when you have gun control advocates in Congress trying to pass laws regulating things that they know absolutely nothing about... you get the current state of affairs.

How Carolyn McCarthy thinks a heat shroud is a defining characteristic of an "assault weapon", and then describes it was "a shoulder thing that goes up".. yeah. Enjoy your laws.

Comment Re:Lower Receiver? (Score 1) 391

Barrels are not serialized.

Bullets can be matched up to a point. What you're describing are known an individual characteristics, which are the unique properties of each barrel. Those properties change through regular wear and tear, or by deliberate action such as running a file or other abrasive down the barrel. My hunting rifle is a tack driver, but over time it will start getting worse and worse due to wear. In my case, it will happen quickly as the rifle is a magnum. If I were a suspect, the cops would need to get hold of my rifle quickly before I go for target practice because the properties of my barrel would change. In my case, I'd go to the range and fire off a munch rounds in quick succession, heating up the barrel so it wears faster. My rifle is uncommon enough that just based on the class characteristics, it may be enough to stand up in court.

On certain rifles, such as anything from Savage or an AR, it's pretty easy to change out a barrel, or even change the caliber entirely. I can change out a Savage barrel in about 20 minutes.

Of course, this is assuming that you have a suspect and a rifle to test.

Comment Re:Fabricating an assualt rifle in California... (Score 1) 391

None of the rifles you linked to are assault rifles, and the definition of what an assault rifle is is most definitely settled. This vendor has absolutely no idea of what an assault rifle is (in one case, he's selling an "assalut" rifle), or is attempting to capitalize on idiots who think they're buying a rifle capable of select fire.

Comment Re:Um...210k? And 3 months? (Score 1) 227

This will sound holier-than-thou, but insufficient for your wants, not needs. I'm sure you can with a small amount of effort think of a way of not needing a full size grand piano (I have a fantastic stage piano that sounds awesome, which I can just about lift myself and take to gigs), or a personal gym. You're living better than a king, and you're complaining about it!

Comment Re:save? (Score 1) 227

I earn about a 1/3rd of this person, live in a country more expensive to live in than the United States, and I own a light aircraft, yet I have enough money saved that I could live over a year at my current spending rate. OK, so I don't have children, but believe me an aircraft is as expensive to own as children.

Comment Re:Answer (Score 1) 336

Do you even allocate memory in the sense that most people think about it (in other words, calling malloc or something similar to do dynamic allocation), or just have a region defined for data in your linker scripts and have constant addresses for regions of memory hard coded for certain purposes?

Comment Re:Answer (Score 1) 336

Long ago, after writing C++ like Java, I decided it would be much easier and I would be much more productive if I just actually used Java. Many headaches of trying to write C++ like Java go away if you just use Java (or C# instead) and you get easier to understand and easier to maintain software systems.

Comment Re:Windows 3.0 (Score 1) 387

Win 3.x would pre-emptively multitask DOS windows if you had a 386. It was one of its touted features. (There may have been a setting to turn this off and on, it may have been off by default). Personally during this period I used DESQview (or however it was capitalized) as a multitasker.

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