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Comment poorly written clickbait (Score 1) 37

you would have thought that anyone who passed grade school english would know enough to put a clear description of what a digital twin is but no this is the internet
so if you click on the motor trend link, you get, as is now SOP on teh web all sorts of useless words before they bother to tell you what a DT is and then

it is merely a new word for a fancy CAD file
probably has to do with battles over who gets the money among people who sell CAD software

Comment Don't any of you kids know what FUD means ? (Score 1) 143

For decades, MS has been releasing news about amazing new features that will be in the next gen product
and 9 times out of ten, it is just vaporware

FUD means Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
It comes from the pre Google/FB era, when MS ruled the roost and it was thought that MS deliberately announced new features that were never intended to be real, just to scare competitors

Comment Is this true ? (Score 1) 139

we have a report from the NYT saying that the gov't will release regulations requiring child care
but so far, as of 4PM teusday 28th feb, those regs are not public

so we don't actually know if this is true or not

after all companies are incredibly invenntive at getting around so called requirements
and lets say Intel doesn't do what it is is supposed to and then gets fined; big whoop

Comment speculative if not clickbait (Score 1) 38

given how fast computer hardware and software is improving, these guys are gonna have to work awfully fast
and even if (big if) they succeed, these organoid brain computers are incredibly fragile things that need a sophisticated lab enviroment eg the slightest contamination with bacteria leads to destruction (which is why mammalian cells when grown in a Petri Dish are grown in super sterile special hoods and the medium has loads of antibotic)

IMO, a waste of money, but we shall see

Comment most of the posts sound so juvenile and whiny (Score 1) 225

ok, so FF isn't perfect
what software is
all you people sound like you are whining cause FF doesn't have some feature that 5 people in the entire universe want

I have no idea why ff is less popular then chrome or edge, at least on laptops (I don't own a smart phone)
I haven't used edge, but both FF and chrome have multiple sucko issues, just stupid stuff that makes them hard to use like bookmark management, etc etc

Comment nonsense (Score 2) 75

I was a graduate student under a very famous biologist
and he often remarked, of all the physicists who have gone into biology, only one or two have made a substantial contribution - their minds don't work the right way
True, we need math for clinical trials, and omics, but for biology you need a feeling for the organism

Comment Re:Meh. (Score 1) 843

what do you mean
QE is fed, independent of potus
what did obama do, stave off a second great recession ?
you have gone to st louis fred data base downloaded private sector job growth for obama vs reagan (yeah population is larger, but older)

you know that ted cruz and a republican rep from, iirc, WA, posted onfacebook, send in your ocare horror stories ?
and they got back no horror stories, but hundreds of posts along the line of thank god for ocare, i can now afford medicine for me or my family and have money for food ?????
is that really so awful (ps cost ocare much less cost of trump tax cuts to 1%)

Comment Re:Meh. (Score 1) 843

hillary is corrupt
but trump is as corrupt and sleazy ?
you do know that most of corrupt liar is gop fantasy (benghazi, vince foster) ?
Do you think the NIH (war on cancer), NTSB, National Parks are good ? Trump tax cuts, goodbye to all that
There are about 10 million people on ocare, many of whom no doubt are on chemo
you stop ocare day one, who pays for the chemo ? we just let them die ?

but lets stipulate to your ideas about clinton; is the man who goes on a 3am rant about ms universe really better ?
really ?
look at argentina: they voted in a trump (peron) and they went from nearly a 1st world country to nearly 3rd world

Trump U targets grieving army war widow:
The sales pitches seeking to separate Cheryl Lankford from her money began during the recession as she struggled to get back on her feet after the death of her husband, an American soldier serving in Iraq.
Two of them were from companies that have boasted the Trump name.
One was Trump University, the real estate sales seminar that Donald J. Trump promoted as a way for average people to profit from opportunities in the housing market. Ms. Lankford said she spent $35,000 from an Army insurance payment to learn Mr. Trump’s secrets.


Comment taxes are a red herring (Score 1) 843

trump supporters - I know most of you, no the vast majority are neither stupid nor racist
yet whenever we point out trumnp flaws, the answer is always hillary !! benghazi !!!
how about addressing trumps issues for once ?

1) look at how he was unable, totally unable to resist clintons needling him in the debate and his ballistics wierdness on ms universe
is he gonna go ballistic if putin dumps on him ? is that really what you want next to the nuclear button ?

2) Trump lies constantly (I really shouldn't have to provide a url for this), he is a sleaze who stiffs small businessmen (a) and he is a con artist (a)

3) he draws the support of the small number of people who are crazy (c) or racist (read alt ride blogs)

4) his policies are stupid: there are fewer coal jobs cause of *technology* (same amt of coal today, fewer workers); the oil companies didn't bid on gulf cause fracking is cheaper; 20 years ago, trade and offshoring were issues; today the issue is robots and automation

5) he is really gonna round up 11 (no, not 20) million illegals ? what if all the us born kids file lawsuits demanding to stay and demanding care as orphans ? can you imagine the clusterf ? mass deportation - the lawyers employment act

6) his economic plans, to the extent he has any, are huge tax cuts for the rich
do you like national parks ? the FDA ? the nih, NTSB, ? they are in for huge cuts

7) as pointed out in ny times editorial, his infrastructure program proposal is based on double dip accounting, it is a stupid proposal

8) virtually every GOP economist who served with bush I, bush II, mccain or romney thinks trump is stupid
nearly every one

9) you all seem to distrust the mainstream media, but far as i can tell, benghazi and vince foster are gop delusions; no there there
okay, the email thing was stupid, but i bet dollars to donuts that if a gop person did the same, the right wing meme would be, the gov't classifies way to much stuff ,mainly to hide govt errors !! and i bet you can probably find wall str journal or national review articles to that effect !!

10) when ever he looses, he whines. is that a winner ? is that really what you want as commander in chief ?

11) trashing the constitution and banning muslims (who are, this is true, *one percent us population*!!) ain't gonna help terrorism (why don't we ban ex soldiers - after all, T McVeigh ???)
Terrorism is either quasi state actors (ISIL) which requires stronger democratic states , or lone wolf teen guys - and teenage males are always with us and some are wierd; i bet if you track killings by teen age men, it is constant, what changes is their motivation whih is solely driven by wht they read in the news; if terror is big in the news, the teenager fantasizes about terror; if going postal is big, he fantasizes about terror
answer is jobs

Trump U targets grieving army war widow:
The sales pitches seeking to separate Cheryl Lankford from her money began during the recession as she struggled to get back on her feet after the death of her husband, an American soldier serving in Iraq.
Two of them were from companies that have boasted the Trump name.
One was Trump University, the real estate sales seminar that Donald J. Trump promoted as a way for average people to profit from opportunities in the housing market. Ms. Lankford said she spent $35,000 from an Army insurance payment to learn Mr. Trump’s secrets.

also this one


Comment information wants to be free (Score 1) 204

has to be the stupidest slogan of all time
information doesn't want anything
by 2nd law, it costs something to produce, analyze, store, organize and deliver information
what the slogan means is I, the speaker, want something that cost someone else money, but I don't want to pay for it, and I don't have the guts to say I want it for free, so I am hiding behind this slogan, where an abstract idea (information) takes my place


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