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Comment Re:If it's unencrypted... (Score 1) 103

Or ASCII... ever tried reading the binary values for ASCII codes? Thankfully almost every hex editor ever built can decode ASCII...

But I understand the confusion - you just assume that if it isn't encrypted that it will be in a format that can be easily read...

The youth of today. You've not lived until you've decoded EBCDIC or read the holes on a Hollerith card or five bit paper tape.

ASCII is trivial compared to those three.

Comment Re:Just another 4 years... (Score 1) 171

Call me when drizzle runs on something besides Linux.

You may be right. I'd been messing with Drizzle for a few weeks (it was the lack of PHPMyAdmin that was stopping me). Today I switched from MySQL to MariaDB in less than an hour and PMA V3.4 works with no trouble.

Lets hope Canonical stick it into Oneiric

Comment Re:Ludicrous (Score 1) 898

This is the most ludicrous UK internet-related prosecution since the constructed misunderstanding over the Nottingham airport tweeter. And it's another example of the exciting possibilities the securitat have found recently in the concept that (allegedly) hurting people's feelings is illegal.

I don't think it's as silly as the Nottingham airport tweet.

This character was simply a nasty piece of work and got what he deserved - aspergers or not is no excuse for behaving in that way to the friends and family of someone who has just died.

The Nottingham airport tweeter was an idiot who said something in frustration at his flight being cancelled that was blown [sic] out of all proportion by the police and magistrates. His case is entirely absurd.

Comment Re:Propaganda or Bad reporting? (Score 1) 898

Actually refusing to answer without a lawyer can be mentioned in court but the jury should be directed that under normal circumstances no inference of intent or guilt should be made. Abnormal circumstances are when the time itself may affect the outcome of the crime or interfere with evidence, such as if there is a bomb set to go off imminently or a critically injured victim at an unknown location.

There was no jury in this case. It was tried in front of Reading Majistrates.

Comment Clueless cretins (Score 1) 144

Here's another one to add to my list of clueless cretins in my wonderful gov't.

His name goes on the list with David Cameron, Nick Clegg, Theresa May and others who simply don't have the first faintest idea on how the Internet works and how the 15yr old kids in school are experts at breaching any firewall (they get out of the firewall jail their senior schools impose - they'll do the same for any British firewall).

Comment Re:A few suggestions for the new maintainer (Score 1) 113

They have a script which uses sendmail to update your information. That's unacceptable in a desktop setting.

If you think about it, back in those days most distros that I'm aware of included sendmail by default, so it sort of makes sense to use what was there.

These days most systems have Perl, curl, wget and stuff like that. Security using OAuth is simple. Identification using OpenID is simple. They could change their machine update script to use https to send the details of my machine. I'd prefer all of that to the current system.

Comment The answer is to block the payments (Score 1) 79

If we want the world to be free of spam, free of botnets and a nice happy virtual land to live in then the simple answer lies with PayPal and the credit card companies.

If you cut off the payments then the blackhats will have to find something else to make their evil millions.

Of course, the problem is that PayPal, Visa, Mastercard and others like their revenue stream too much, they like their 1% cut of the spammer's ill gotten gains. They won't stop while any cash cow that can still be milked.

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