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Comment Re:Printing (Score 3, Informative) 140

Hmmm.. Works GREAT!

Sharp MX4501N

Sharp AR620M

HP C7280's
HP 4500W
HP 7500A

All via network...

And HP makes it stupid wintard easy to print, scan and fax with their HP printers or AIO's.

sudo apt-get install hplip-gui

DONE! Print, scan, fax.

XSANE works great to scan via the network.

What was your point?

Oh still trying to use non PCL or PS printers in Linux, good luck.

Hell, even my beloved Kodaks have been set free, free at last with c2esp, scan and fax is still not supported, but you can at least print!

Comment Re:What about Ubuntu server? (Score 1) 307

"That would be us! I'll be handrolling a deb for now.."

Do you have a good HOWTO on this? Can the old java-package suite still be used for Maverick & Oneiric to create a DEB?

The DEB HOWTO's start from source packages, not the self extracting stuff from Sun(Oracle).

No DEB Packaging is not my main job.. but I am willing to learn with some tips & hints, please.

I am just not interested in 7 and especially OJDK or IcedTea, as its already known that the vendor(s) and author(s) of the software won't be fixing it for their software. The one piece is an open source, one man project and 90% of the time he is MIA till out of no where a release shows up. Software doesn't initialize at all. So if Sun (Oracle) fubar's things to the point it no longer works on their version, then I will just keep 6.30.

And as for the "security" issue, I think thats a good cover story and red herring.

Comment Re:SUN JAVA is not the only JAVA (Score 1) 307

"latest Oneiric 11.10 release of ubuntu."

May not be in the official repos, but you can add a PPA and install it, or get a distro which is smart enough to know that OJDK and Java 7 are duds and 99.99% of software doesn't work and install the last of the 6 branch by default, oh thats Julep Linux

And now I get to pin that package... yeah... more skills to learn..

", simply remove the package & install default-jdk. problem solved."

No then my software quits working... no thanks!

This is both commercial and open source, it does not, has not, and never will work on OJDK, and I for one and pleased with that.

oracle is a scerge and its 7 JRE is junk, and just after $$$ which we all knew but did nothing to stop it... and OJDK just go away!

Comment Re:"from user's machines" (Score 1) 307

"For almost all users, OpenJDK is just fine and is the one to use. (e.g. any Java plugins in the browser, almost any Java app). Anyone who is affected by this went to some effort to install Sun Java by hand specifically."

Wrong. OJDK is broken, and my software that I use daily doesn't and has never worked on it.

As for installing REAL Java by hand and alot of effort.

Nope. Came with my distro KMint, aka Linux Mint KDE (now defunct)

My new distro Julep, added a PPA, apt-get install and done.

Bad move canoncial, bad bad bad....

Comment Re:Who cares ? (Score 1) 213

"The Gnutella protocol, on the other hand, is still used by a wide variety of clients, including Limewire, Frostwire, and Bearshare."

Frostwire ate itself at a recent version , 5.x branch, and is Torrent only now. Many persons have refused to upgrade due to this and are using the 4.x branch instead.

It was the best all round P2P client for Linux.

Bad move on their part, but too late now.

Comment Re:Complicated? (Score 3, Insightful) 112

"What concerns me more is the "proprietary" aspect. How many of the chip's features will be accessible by hobbyist developers? Will we be receiving full public documentation on how it works?"

No, getting data sheets from most silicon makers today, is tanamount to asking for state secrets,err...ok not such a good example, well not hapenning... and don't mention to the Pi people.


Comment Re:Mint (Score 1) 488

There was a blog post about the Software center that pervades the *buntu variants now...where did it come from?


There was a rather terse post about how there was a conference that Mint devs were not a part of and then the basis of the Software center was the Mint Software thingy..

I personally don't find it useful v. synaptic or apt-get, but for others it serves a purpose, I guess.

I've got my own axe to grind with Mint... for other reasons, but they do good things mostly, too bad they blew it with their KDE version... oh well.

Comment VMWare only please! (Score 0) 417

Not interested in prodcuts from three companies KVM=RH, no thanks, any thing from larry the tyrrant, or that washington state company. Duh thats why I am a LINUX USER!

VMWare just needs to step away from the rpm flavorade or at least a DEB over the shell script, and keep up with the current kernels for Server and ESXi(VSphere) as they tend to do for Player.

Oh, and two things:

1)FIX your !(@*&$!(*&!(&$! plugin for Server management! Its been dead since some dolt at mozilla borq'd plugins in the 3.6 branch. Create a stand alone native Linux client to manage Server VM's! I don't want to use some browser I detest to start with! Especially some ancient version I have to keep on some machine to manage the VM's on the server!

2) Management tools for LINUX, BSD! ! ! I only use Player, Server ESXi(VSphere) to manage MULTIPLE REAL OS VM's ie: multiple *NIX/BSD etc.... its not used to allow infections in! So what good is trying to sell me features I can not use as I can't do it on my systems!

Comment Re:and what about xerox's stuff? (Score 1) 988

Thanks for that... I never found that and wondered how they were not getting sued... missed opportunity Cisco... not a fan of legal action, but in this case it would be justified. Anything that takes down crapple or ms.

I would never have agreed to this if I was Cisco, and IOS is IOS, and it runs on Cisco products and has nothing to do with junk from crapple!

Comment Re:Got to respect them for not pandering (Score 1) 574

Hence why I do NOT user ANY of those programs. I use Konqueror and the tabs are in the CORRECT LOCATION. Click between tabs and the URL location changes to match the tab, don't see the problem. Thats what should happen.

Their view is in essence, that the tabs are sort of mini browsers with the main window a container for them all. That may be fine, but thats not what I like, and others seem to agree that thats their preference. So there needs to the option to use it either way. A few 100+ vocal users means there is more who don't post and just tolerate issues like this. So its a situation needs resolution.

Tabs were added as a new feature and they appeared under the URL location. Then some one decided that it needed improvement and should be mini browsers in a container, thats fine, if you want to OFFER THIS OPTIONAL "improvement." Then users can select to use your vision of improvement, or return back to the correct normal mode. Your improvement to the UI is not always an improvement to all users. When you change things from the way they were to start to something else, regardless of if it may or may not be better, some users will not like it, and you need to accomodate them when they voice their displeasure, not just blow them off.

Comment Re:Got to respect them for not pandering (Score 1) 574

Free v. paid software has a lot to do with it. Those in the free arena take the stance "you got it for free, tough..or provide the code." WRONG. Yes commercial vendors take the stance pay up! But free software tends to have this problem more than commercial

Your exactly right users have THEIR BEST INTEREST at stake. Duh! Thats why you the developer need to sift throught this to determine what is good and bad. You may have decided previously that tab relocation is a bad idea, developement issues, etc... When the USERS OVER WHELMINGLY state they want this, then its YOUR JOB TO FULFILL THIS REQUEST, period. Users=customers, regardless of cost of software, and the adage, The Customer is ALWAYS RIGHT.

You bet this makes for nightmares. Doing things I disagree with, as trivial as making something bold v. regular text. How stupid is that? Well the users whined, so it was changed, whining goes away. Yes, some changes are not so easy as 5uS code change, but 100+ users, have an issue. Sorry Charlie, time to listen and offer the option.

Comment Re:Bug tracker for bugs, not design change request (Score 1) 574

google is still WRONG. Period. And this is just making it worse, much worse.

Users communicate in what ever form they happen to have handy, proper or not, too bad, so sad. You STILL HAVE TO LISTEN to the USER INPUT REGARDLESS how it comes to you forum, bug tracker, email, note tied to a brick|rock, etc..

again, put the arrogance aside and LISTEN to the USER INPUT no matter how it gets to you.

Comment Re:Got to respect them for not pandering (Score 1) 574

google is wrong, on both counts, their action, and the design.

The tabs Go UNDER the address, period. Stop. Done.

This seems to be a trend in developers, open and outright disdain for users seems to have grown of recent with the newer crop of YOUNGER developers and the me generation types. Look no farther than KDE and the KMail developers.

  I change things all the time that I think are not the correct way, similar to this, because user input has determined that for the USERS its in the wrong spot, for example. The users have spoken, LISTEN! Period.

If you release in to the public, then you take the responsability to ACCEPT USER INPUT. You can disagree, and the users will leave your program in the dust. No the attitude that "its free software, take it and like it or do it your self!" Does not wash any more, not when your aiming for your average Jane user v. other developers. Put your 'tude and your ego down, and be prepared to get told your every thing under the sun but nice. Welcome to PUBLIC software release. And for the record, yes, I have some very not so polite remarks for several developers of KDE and KMail, and a few other projects.

Comment Do you want one, or not? (Score 1) 291


Not a tablet


No camera(s)

No cellular data (CDMA, LTE, UMTS, GSM)

Not a true Android device, as its been adulterated with a custom UI, and browser

Not interested in purchasing media books or any thing like that, so it essentially

Serves no purpose for me.....

If some one comes up with a away to put a Custom ROM with a stock Android on it to allow it to function as a true tablet fine.

All I can say is there are a lot of suckers out there.

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