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Comment Re:Eheh and his mother was sane? (Score 1) 1719

Denial is the problem... folks refuse to ascribe guilt to the fella pulling the trigger.

Aspergers does not directly lead to downright violent, evil actions.

Quite perhaps the mother was negligent, but the kid pulled the trigger--the kid did it.

For Pete's sake, what is so hard about accepting that?
"We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions." --R Reagan

Comment Re:Random? ...or like the early spam-wars? (Score 1) 730

Interesting, after listening to a bit of your noise-loop, I realized automated YouTube audio tagging is like spam fighting was in its early days -- too many misses, either way.

Filter too much out (false positives), customers screamed "you're blocking my mail";
filter too loosely (false negatives) customers screamed "do something, I'm buried in spam".

Not an easy line to navigate :-/

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