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Comment Not all 1200 were killed by Hamas. (Score 1, Insightful) 522

Not all of the 1200 who died on October 7 were killed by Hamas. Many of them were actually killed by the IDF under the Hannibal directive. Basically the Hannibal directive says that it's better for an Israeli to die under IDF fire than the government be forced to negotiate their release. It's not clear how many died due to IDF fire, but one location apparently had about 75 vehicles destroyed by the IDF returning to Gaza -- most of them probably with would-be hostages.

Submission + - SPAM: IDF commits triple war crime in Gaza

darkonc writes: 6 year old Hind was in a car with relatives trying to flee Northern Gaza when the car was attacked by the IDF killing everybody but HInd. She used a phone in the car to call for help and the Red Cross/Red Crescent was able to to contact the IDF to arrange safe passage for an ambulance to rescue the girl.
When the marked ambulance reached the girl's car, the IDF ambushed the ambulance — totally destroying it and killing the two paramedics who had come to rescue her.
Then they turned their guns on the little girl trapped in the car, as horrified rescue personnel, and her mother, listened to the gunfire and her death screams.

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Comment Thorium opportunity? (Score 1) 113

So, Microsoft now has both the financial resources and the power need that could justify a serious research/development project to produce a production Thorium reactor. -- The original problem that the DOE had with Thorium reactors was that they were almost useless for producing nuclear weapons (an important 'side effect' of Nuclear power back in the '70s). Microsoft has no need (one would hope) for nuclear weapons, but could definitely use the thorium promise of a far smaller radiation waste footprint.

Comment I disagree with point 2. (Score 3, Insightful) 147

We need to push courts to make speakers more accountable for their lies, not the platforms. It's currently too difficult to take people to court for intentionally, or grossly negligently, spreading lies -- especially those with big audiences and big money.

If you can't take the speaker to court, you shouldn't be able to scare the platform into censoring them.

Comment Compensation for the delay? (Score 2) 21

Yeah, I admit, that I'm not gonna complain about an extra 7 days in space -- but these are millionaires who probably have lawyers on staff waiting for stupid things to do. Suing for the 'extremely long flight delay' under airline rules might be a good bit of fun in addition to the extra floating time.

Comment Re: A Pilot? (Score 1) 146

You can find problems in either direction. Engineers without MBAs go for perfection without understanding the human and cost aspect. MBAs without engineers work to maximize profit at all costs -- without considering the safety and long term costs. The proper solution is a careful mix, BUT If I was going to fly in an airplane, I think I'd go for one built by engineers over MBAs.

Comment Re: It's due to sample code from an AMD library (Score 1) 79

Having worked on MMO platforms and video games, I can tell you the misery of working 800 hours of overtime in a year to support policing/EMS dispatching and mobile apps was not as miserable as what I lived and saw as a game dev. I have subsequently worked on another platform for online gaming and felt the same way there. And phone app devs are constantly crunched brutally because of the small budgets everyone expects to spend on a phone app.

The video game industry preys on young devs and brutally treats almost all of them. I had friends went from our company when it was folding up to Ubisoft and their workload there was even more miserable and unhealthy.

Now, I tend to find $80 for a game to be too much for my wallet. That said, I don't think games are easy or can be done cheaply - content and the engine underneath takes a lot of work to get right. I just don't have the $.

That said, I wouldn't be a game dev again for any reason other than abject desperation.

Comment Chicken or Egg? (Score 1) 24

Did the fallout cause the rain to fall, or did the falling rain bring radioactive particles out of the clouds and cause 'fallout' readings to increase? Was a similar effect seen in years when nuclear testing wasn't taking place?

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