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Comment Re:But all I want is text search (Score 1) 100

I've never understood why microsoft found it so hard to get this shit working. On macs it worked pretty damn good from day one, 25 years ago,

No it didn't. It was super crap from the start.
You type something, it builds a list, mostly filled with things you don't want. Then after tens of seconds you see the thing you do want in the list so you want to click on it, but it's not there because the fucking mac is still compiling a huge huge list of potential results you may or may not be interested in and the item you wanted was shoved out of the window with a screen update (preferably as low as possible so you have to scroll maximally far), making you click something you don't want.
I hated osx search from day one.
The irony is, of cource, that M$ copied this behavior and then made it worse by including web results and thus making the results even shittier.

Comment Bullshit conclusion. (Score 1) 83

The questions asked make it kindof vague what they mean.
The specific question was: "Do you ever play video games on any of the following devices?", with VR amongst the answers.
So every teen that has ever tried a HMD will of course answer that they do. Because they think this is about them and VR makes them look hip.
So this is going to be a very very skewed statistic and imo you can't conclude the same thing as the title of this article suggests.

Comment Re:Many thoughts, most unfavorable (Score 1) 157

The center of amsterdam doesn't really have bike roads (despite the many many cyclists). So it's not really the infrastructure. What makes it work in amsterdam is the fact that in the netherlands we have a law that says that in an accident between a car and a bike or pedestrian, the car is always guilty even if they didn't cause the accident. Guilt is proportional to the amount of damage you can do to others so cars take precedence. That makes car drivers very alert in 'mixed' situations. In amsterdam, bikes rule and cars have to adapt.

Comment Re:No Posts (Score 2) 101

The vast majority of the time Windows will get you there before you've finished typing the entire word.

... not before presenting you with 20 unrelated web results.
I mean, it worked ok in windows 7, but then they decided you were too dumb to know if you want to search local files. Since then it has been a broken feature that never gets me faster to anything.

It's like beaming up to the Starship Enterprise

Now you expose yourself as a tool.,., Windows is not in any way comparable to the enterprise. The federation wouldn't have made it to mars if their ships were anything like windows..,
"Captain, there are Klingons on the starship bow!"
"Scotty, engage thrusters and prepare the phaser array!"
"Can't do it, Captain. She's just started a system update for the cat picture app. It's taken her out of commission!"
"We're dead, Jim."

Comment Re:Less "Worked-Hard" (Score 1) 223

Good for you that you like your job.
That is, however, not what makes you a moron.
What makes you a moron is you thinking that you're somehow 'compensating' for inflation by working harder.
It's like saying that if prices go higher you 'compensate' by paying more.
In both cases you're being fucked and have to expend more of your value to gain the same thing you could have obtained for less effort in the past.

Comment Re:Less "Worked-Hard" (Score 1) 223

The term where I come from is "malice ridden do-gooder." The attitude is "I'll make you a better person even if it - literally - kills you."

What the fuck are you talking about? When did having rules about workplace ethics -literally- killed someone in the EU? You're talking out of your ass and bullshit comes out.

It's an entirely different thing to say you're not allowed to, even if you desperately want to.

You've got some things completely fucked up in your head. Seriously.
These laws protect people from employers that want to force you to work overtime when you desperately don't want to or can't. Working overtime is perfectly fine if you agree to it.

It isn't that the government says you have to be treated well so much as the government tells the company and you what constitutes being treated well, generally without consulting either.

Fuck you. These rights have been realized by workers, not government (yes, we still have governments that work for the people) and they were hard to earn. Blood has flown to achieve it. So fuck you with a 12-pack of purple dildos.

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