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Comment Re:Emacs + dired (Score 1) 286

There are times I despair about these Slashdot questions. Dired mode (and other text based file browsers) already exist and work well. But few people use them because only a few people really want it. I use dired when I am already in Emacs. I don't open Emacs to manipulate files. This is not a matter of new terminal emulator features, its that there is little demand for text based file browsers.

Comment Re:RNA more sever, on paper (absent MSM) (Score 1) 191

There are other things that can be done to reduce myopericarditis reactions. This paper suggests that a cause is accidental venous injection. So merely pulling up on the syringe to see if blood comes up before injection can reduce accidental venous injection. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.go...

Comment Re:You're rational, though, most aren't. (Score 1) 171

It's not a brain hack. It is irrational to spend hours or even just minutes comparing prices when just a few bucks more gets me what I want on the schedule I want. The whole time-is-money trade off determines when I should comparison shop, but if I just want it to show up later this week, Amazon is where I start looking. That does not mean that their monopoly tactics are good for our economy, just that they have chosen rational and effective tactics.

Comment Re:It's not a problem (Score 1) 408

I've got to disagree with you. All you need to know are the few fixed local times. Work starts at 15:00 (3:00 pm), Lunch at 19:00 (7:00 pm), Quitting time is 00:00 (12:00 am). Sure it takes a few days to get used to, but really this is not harder than working 2nd shift or learning a class schedule for a new semester.

Comment Re:Red flag (Score 1) 165

You take a stance of absolute security

I don't want absolute security. I do want reasonable security.

I want guns under lock and key except when ready to shoot.
I want gun users certified by passing a gun safety course that is no more intense than driver's ed.
I want background checks on all gun users, and background checks on gun owners.
I want limits on the total ammunition that can be loaded into a gun at a time.
I want limits on the total ammunition that a person can own.
I want guns under lock and key when transported.
I want public and private spaces to be able to ban guns on their site.
I want ammunition loaded only at authorized hunting grounds or designated shooting ranges.
I want carry licenses limited to people who *publicly* state the reason that they need an unlocked gun.
I want gun owners to carry liability insurance that pays out against any damage or death caused by their gun.
I want gun users to have proof of insurance with their gun, and that this proof is checked on every interaction with the government.

What I want are regulations that are completely in line with the limitations on vehicles and drivers. Importantly, none of these requirements limit your right to bear arms. They just codify the responsibilities that gun owners need to follow to keep the public safe.

Comment Re:Red flag (Score 1) 165

Wow. Africa must be teaming with mass shootings even more than the US. I have heard that some of the people in Africa have darker skin than most black Americans.

Bullshit. The problem is access to guns. There may be some social issues as well, but I have seen nothing that looks like a real solution coming from the racists who say the issue is black on black violence. If the problem is access to hand guns, then limit access to hand guns. If the problem is just social, then I'm sure that you can find a society that solved their gun violence issues without limiting access to guns. Go ahead, find such a study. I'll wait. ... What's that? The only places that dramatically reduced gun violence did so by limiting access to guns? Well then, let's limit access to guns. It works.

Certainly the most recent slate of mass shootings have been by people who chose an AR15 rifle. If there is nothing special about the AR15, then lets limit access to all guns. The goal is to keep people alive. Anything else is unimportant.

Comment Re:Red flag (Score 1) 165

rather than deprive the VAST, overwhelming majority of US citizens that are responsible gun owners

Only 36% of US households own guns. You are asking me to risk lunatics with guns when the VAST overwhelming majority of US citizens are NOT gun owners?

Guns are great at killing things. They should be regulated just as any other dangerous object.

You take out the suicides alone and the numbers fall drastically.

I see no need to adjust the statistics by ignoring one of the most important elements. Suicide attempts with a gun are far more deadly than other methods. Reducing access to guns keeps people alive. I like keeping people alive.

Comment Re:Red flag (Score 1) 165

might only reduce the overall death by firearms rate by 2-3%

I know automotive engineers who have dedicated their entire careers trying to reduce automotive deaths by less than 1%. I would be thrilled to reduce firearm deaths by 2-3%. The fact that you are OK with just letting people die is a position that I do not support. I would rather have those extra 2-3% survive than placate your desire to avoid oversight.

Comment Re:Red flag (Score 1) 165

The uncomfortable truth is that two-thirds of all firearm related deaths are suicides and of the remaining third nearly a third of those have a victim that is a young black man who was killed by another young black man.

Why would anyone care about gender and skin color when we are talking about gun violence? Does it not matter when people die if they are of a specific gender or skin color?

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