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Comment NEWSFLASH! (Score 3, Insightful) 297

Anything that is internet-connected and useful poses a threat to your privacy. Period.

I am willing to accept that trade-off, especially since 95% of the privacy stories on YRO are overblown.

Oh no, the power company can determine my peak power usage. They can determine that I leave in the morning and get home at night.

In exchange, the smart grid promises some big benefits. As usual, a trade-off.

Comment Still hamstringing users after all these years (Score 1) 770

I have a copy of Windows Vista running in a VM in Parallels. I bought the Windows 7 Ultimate upgrade, but decided I want to do a clean install.

To do a clean install from a clean VM (or hard drive), you have to perform a hack. You can't just install 7 and show it your Vista CD to prove you are eligible. Unbelievable!

Contrast this with my recent Mac upgrade experience. I bought Snow Leopard ($29, 1/10th the price of W7), and was able to perform a clean install, without even having to enter a fucking key.

Comment Re:Explained by a Simple Formula (Score 3, Insightful) 944

Funny how most of the time, an unregulated market increases the cost of items taht should be dirt-cheap, until they're an unaffordable luxury to most people.

This is demonstrably ludicrous. A free market necessarily pushes the prices of abundant items lower and lower through competition. One example, check the price of hard drive storage now. Compare it through the years.

And how the quality of the products and services doesn't matter, so long as you can dupe or force people into buying it.

Well, it's a free market. If you're stupid enough to be duped, yeah that'll happen. It also provides you the opportunity for a smart shopper to get a great value.

In fact, non-free software (e.g., Windows and other Microsoft wares) is a great example of this. Is Office 7 worth $400? Nope, but because it's a free market, the price gets inflated to this point.

Just because YOU don't value an office suite at this price doesn't mean the price is inflated. People are buying it at this price at a level Microsoft is comfortable with. You also have the choice of several free office suites, and a cheaper office suite from Apple. So why do you care that office is expensive? Is it because you find that it really is better than the other office suites I mentioned? If so, perhaps this is why it's cost is higher?

If people stopped buying it at that price, Microsoft would lower the price.

Is Vista a good product? Nope, but because the industry is regulated only by those in control of it (i.e. Microsoft) hundreds of thousands of people were essentially forced to buy it anyway.

Forced to buy it? Ha. I bought Snow Leopard for $29. Many people bought Linux for $0.

Remember, the "free market" is not free. It is manipulated like a puppet by those who hold the reins, those who do not care about your wellbeing or options in life.

Ahh, really. So I must be mistaken when I see Google in control of search on the internet, having only been around a decade or so. They came out of nowhere with great technology, and through capitalism, were able to best giants at the time like Microsoft, Yahoo, AltaVista, et. al.

Apple was started out of a garage. HP was started out of a garage. YOU can start your own company today, and build it up to greatness, if you can execute well and have something people want. That is the power of capitalism.

Grow up.

Comment Re:Exploitation is the most prized product (Score 1) 944

This just shows the utter hypocrisy of the libertarians.

Thank you for lumping all of us together.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm a libertarian, and I have no problem with free software, or the free software movement.

As a libertarian, I also feel it's entirely possible for someone to create a non-free software that is so much better than the equivalent free software, that it makes people want to pay for it.

In either case, as a libertarian, I would fight for your right to use and create any software you want.

As for all your commentary on libertarians wanting to exploit this or that... are you even aware of what a libertarian is? We are in favor of individual freedom and liberty. Exploiting other people is the exact opposite of what a libertarian stands for.

Comment Re:Those 40 other... losers? (Score 0) 367

These broad statements... No... Apple could not buy Nokia. They may offer their 30 billion in cash, but Nokia would simply turn it down.

When you're a public company, there's no such thing as turning it down. It becomes something the shareholders get involved with.

But obviously all of this is a joke. Apple has no desire to buy Nokia. Apple already has plenty of talented engineers. They have better hardware designers. They have better software designers.

Comment Re:Those 40 other... losers? (Score 2, Informative) 367


When you lose hundreds of millions of euros in a single quarter, we don't call that profitable.

Nokia is in a race to the bottom. Like the girl selling /free/ lemonade, they're going to "make it up on volume."

Let them have the marketshare, Apple is taking the mindshare, and making billions doing it.

Comment Re:How is using so many VMs more efficient? (Score 1) 122

Wow, you must not run any servers.

Just one very simple example of why VMs rule: hardware upgrades.

We have an OS running outside of a VM, with tons of changes made to the setup, programs installed, etc. It's about 4 years old now. If I want to move all that stuff to hardware that's new, I am looking at starting up from scratch, configuring and installing all apps, and restoring data from a tape backup or transfer over the network to the new box.

Compare this to running on a VM:

(1) Get new machine
(2) Put basic OS and VM environment on.
(3) Move VM to new machine and run it, instant speed/memory boost.

That's it. And with more expensive VM environments, it can be even easier than that.

Comment Re:Cautiously Optimistic (Score 1) 132

I think for the most part, asking if Wave can integrate with Exchange is like asking if you'll be able to send an email to Google Docs. I mean, I guess you could, but what would be the point?

If you sent someone on Exchange a Wave, what would you expect them to be able to do with it?

I'm guessing you'll be able to send most Waves as emails, but all the interactivity will be gone. Like having a printed copy of a document.

I feel that Wave has the potential to replace email/IM/collaboration, and possibly more (could it replace feeds? blogs? etc). Pretty much any interactive medium where the point is the information exchange and not the environment seem suited to being replaced by Wave.

After all, it's open. Make your own Wave server. Integrate it into your existing services.

Definitely looking forward to it...

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