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Comment Let's get something straight you non-staticians (Score 4, Insightful) 182

This is a geek website, not a "research" website so stop talking a bunch of crap about a bunch of crap. I'm providing silly examples so don't focus upon them. Most researchers suck at stats and my attempt at explaining should either help out or show that I don't know what I'm talking about. Take your pick.

"p=.05" is a stat that reflects the likelihood of rejecting a true null hypothesis. So, lets say that my hypothesis is that "all cats like dogs" and my null hypothesis is "not all cats like dogs." If I collect a whole bunch of imaginary data, run it through a program like SPSS, and the results turn out that my hypothesis is correct then I have a .05 percent chance that the software is wrong. In that particular imaginary case, I would have committed a Type I Error. This error has a minimal impact because the only bad thing that would happen is some dogs get clawed on the nose and a few cats get eaten.

Now, on a typical experiment, we also have to establish beta which is the likelihood of committing a type II error, that is, accepting a false null hypothesis. So let's say that my hypothesis is that "Sex when desired makes men happy" and my null hypothesis is "Sex only when women want it makes men happy." It's not a bad thing if #1 is accepted but the type II error will make many men unhappy.

Now, this is a give and take relationship. Every time that we make p smaller (.005, .0005, .00005, etc.) for "accuracy," then the risk of committing a type II error increases. A type II error when determining what games 15 year olds like to play doesn't really matter if we are wrong but if we start talking about drugs and false positives then the increased risk of a type II error really can make things ugly.

Next, there are guideline for determining a how many participants are needed for lower p (alpha) values. Social sciences (hold back your Sheldon jokes) that do studies on students might need lets say 35 subjects/people per treatment group at p=.05 whereas with a .005 might need 200 or 300 per treatment group. I don't have a stats book in front of me but .0005 could be in the thousands. Every adjustment impacts a different item in a negative fashion. You can have your Death Star or you can have Luke Skywalker. Can't have 'em both.

Finally, there is a statistical concept of power, that is, there are stats for measuring the impact of a treatment. Basically, how much of the variance between the group A and group B can be assigned to the experimental treatment. This takes precedence in many peoples minds over simply determining if we have a correct or incorrect hypothesis. Assigning p does not answer this.

Anyways, I'm going to go have another beer. Discard this article and move onto greener pastures.

Comment NSA tie in? (Score 2) 38

So my questions are: Does being based in Israel provide Facebook's Israeli "subsidiaries" with the ability to use the data from Facebook users differently, that is, in a way that is similar in some aspect to how Israel has access to raw collect NSA data on American citizens in ways that American law doesn't allow? Not to be all conspiracy theory driven but is there a Facebook / NSA connection in this?

I'm thinking back to the earlier /. post on "NSA Shares Intel On Americans With Israel" http://yro.slashdot.org/story/13/09/11/1752223/nsa-shares-intel-on-americans-with-israel

Comment Re:Broad Application (Score 1) 648

I agree with you but consider this:The publisher lost the right to control the aftermarket sale, not the copyright of the content of the book itself. Perhaps from that perspective, the ruling does align with the restrictions on the modification of a product such as an Xbox or cell phone.

Just trying to figure out their goofy logic.

Comment You need to learn to design first (Score 2) 218

Since this is /. I'll start with a programming analogy. Imagine someone saying: "Hey, I got one of those rasberry pi computers and a bunch of stepper motors and I want to build a robot." Sure you could do it but you would need to be ready to put in some time and a lot of hard work.

CAD design is a field, just like programming. You need to learn some basics of design (drafting in the days of old) first. This doesn't mean that you need a degree but it does mean that you should be a bit organized in how you approach it. Here's my suggestion:

1. Pick a program that will let you do 3d modeling that you can easily aquire. Pick wisely so that you only waste 1 strike if caught =)
2. If you do spend money, don't spend a lot. This could be a momentary interest/hobby
3. Get a book that teaches the basics of design with the program that you chose
4. Start simple
5. Be patient

Comment Not enough information here. (Score 1) 605

What's wrong with writing blogs? Journals have been a viable alternative to short papers for a long time, probably the last century at least.

Otherwise, there's not enough information here to determine if the activity is a waste of time or not. I can say that many students in online courses are resistant to discussion board posts, weblogs, asynchronous group activities; or in other words, work in general.

As far as your assessment of other students having poor writing skills, your professor is probably in agreement. You should probably keep in mind that blog writing is a personal or subjective process. It is difficult to conclude that someone has poor writing skills if the assignment allows for them to freely write whatever comes to mind without specific criteria. If you actually have to read other student's lousy blogs then I would suggest putting on some rose-colored glasses and try to find the silver lining in the muck.

Comment Re:Use LED LCD TV instead -- not really (Score 1) 242

The original poster was going on the premise that e-ink uses less power because it only needs to be refreshed when something has changed, like a kindle. Since the information only changes once every 10-15 minutes, this would seem ideal.

Your calculations are going under the premise that an e-ink display uses the same amount of energy as a regular tv. Your calculation may be correct but they are out of context.

Comment Re:Not trying hard enough... (Score 1) 441

You have a PhD in Chemistry. No joke, tough degree. Congratulations.

I have a Ph.D. in educational psychology. Yes, I had a 4.0. Yes, I would personally say that my degree was easier than yours but, then again, I was a professional in my field before I started my degree. Neither of us would have fared well in each others degree programs.

A 4.0 says that the student's performance met the instructors established criteria for earning an "A." Do not discredit your degree and your accomplishments by implying the Ph.D. students play the system by taking easy courses. This isn't high school So what if you didn't get a 4.0? Every Ph.D.'s course of study is different, depending upon the career pathways of the individual. Take comfort in the knowledge that many schools other than your own have watered down the course grading systems.

Long story short, a Ph.D. implies that you know enough about statistics to generate and interpret scientific research. You do not need to make bogus statistical interpretations of what a 4.0 is and is not. Be proud of your accomplishment.

Comment Re:Wow, don't have opinions online.. (Score 1) 530

You are not describing the typical graduate degree. The typical graduate degree does not include serious research, is 30-40 credit hours, and costs about 50% more per hour than an undergrad. They are handed out like hotcakes nowadays.

A doctoral degree, as you describe, does require the student to learn how to work within the system. This is partially because you will have a very hard time getting tenure or funding otherwise. This is also because students need to learn save their opinions for after they get published and have tenure. You can run your mouth in politics, literature, poetry, etc. without the need for a degree but you can't do that when your opinion is supposed to be based upon "objective" research.

I'm a bit curious what schools charge 4-5x for graduate credits. That seems surprisingly high though not inconceivable considering the direction that Academia has been going in terms of tuition prices.

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