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Comment Re:They are both wrong (Score 1) 247

Education, access to health services, and increasing affluence will do wonders for reducing fertility rates. Bangledesh is a striking example of this. Also, consumption is a bigger problem than population overall. The average westerner has something like 13x the carbon footprint of a person living in subsaharan africa, IIRC.

Comment Wow.. just wow.. (Score 1) 202

I thought I'd RTFA before leaping to judgment here. It's brilliant. The proposal is to send your full name and SSN in cleartext in the HTTP headers! I kid you not. There's a couple paragraphs of attention paid to the obvious questions, which basically amount to "don't worry, it'll work out for the best in the end!" To quote:

When what's at stake is the American way of life, it's easy to put aside things that don't really matter.

Which is right up there with "think of the children!" as a strong symptom of frontal lobe disengagement.

Comment Math lesson (Score 4, Funny) 127

Not practical for 99.999999999999999% of people.

99% is all but one in a hundred, or 1e2.. add a power of ten for each 9, and you get.. 1e17, or all but 1 in 100 million billion. People? That's more people than ever existed. I think this thing is at least practical for the promoters, or at least whomever has been recieving the money they spend on devlopment and promotion. You'd still be off if you counted each person's individual cells.

I could add more 9's

No, you've added quite enough already.

Comment Re:Radation != Thyroid Cancer (Score 1) 124

The best natural source of Iodine is seafood. The Japanese probably get a pretty good dose of Iodine from their normal diet. Also, administration of Potassium Iodate pills are pretty standard procedure when there's a nuclear incident, so without any specific information to the contrary, I would expect that these workers had enough nonradioactive Iodine in them at the time of exposure.

Comment this would be great for everybody to use! (Score 1) 121

If the costs are low and side effects minimal. How stablely can it regulate blood sugar? The modern practioce of three meals a day just isn't very optimal for good mood regulation and high productivity and creativity. Of course, we should probably all be taking naps, too :)

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