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Comment Re:Waiting for Dave's rant on this (Score 1) 359

If only there was a device that could--can't think of a good new verb for it--lets say, "move" water from places we do have, and then it could travel through some kind of cylindrical containing device that held the water molecules in, and pushed this liquid medium through the hollow cylinder to the place where its needed.

How do they move oil? I can't think of it. But it's like, they send oil thousands of miles.

Too bad I'm pretty sure it only works for oil and not for water because nobody makes any goddamn money from saving lives.

On a more serious note, I wonder about the feasibility of doing this in the east / south-east coast of the US. Build some large, empty, reservoirs to catch all that hurricane rainfall and then pipe it back into the aquifers of the water-starved midwest. From what I hear, east coast and southern coast are getting too much water, and midwest isn't getting enough.

Comment Re:quality software apple (Score 1) 57

It's not *that bad* really. The crash occurs in the gfx library / rendering engine, on a lower level. It's just given a single absolutely massive rendering task it's unable to complete within the watchdog duty cycle. Someone didn't foresee this - normally the library should be done with its job within microseconds, but this specific job was engineered to take a "macroscopic" time slice, and so, the watchdog bites.

There are solutions - but not easy. It would be fairly difficult to design a subsystem that estimates time required to render a specific effect, before deciding "just don't do it", An easier approach would be to abort the rendering job after a preset time, and restore the subsystem to a stable state. This would require a separate dedicated watchdog, and a special subsystem that is capable to abort and unroll an arbitrary job mid-way through. Or they could slice the rendering engine vertically, and make it perform only a specific amount of work per time slice. And this gets quite convoluted because you're replacing simple loops with a finite state machine.

All doable, all difficult and costly... and not contributing to normal web experience, just protecting against malicious attacks. Yeah, they fucked up, but it's a 'the fucking incompetent idiots' fuckup type, it's just 'for fuck's sake, do we really have to protect against THIS too?' one.

Yup. Didn't crash my little Mini (Late 2012 model, 16GB RAM, 2.5GHz Ivy Bridge Core i5), but it did max out the CPU and bring it to a crawl until I closed the window. Didn't test it on my iPhone 6s, but I presume it'd fair even worse.

Comment Re:Parents should be liable (Score 2) 254

I strongly think that parents who elect to not vaccinate their children (absent a documented medical condition preventing safe vaccination) should be liable for child endangerment. This is reckless behavior that is reasonably likely to result in bodily harm to another human being. This is a public safety issue with a clear and benign and effective solution. Those who opt out should be liable for the consequences of their actions.

Good luck going against religious beliefs that curtail vaccinations. That "endangerment" has one hell of an establishment in the community.

There is already precedence in court (US, Canada, and abroad) overruling the objections of Jehova's Witness parents with regard to blood transfusions. A quick Altavista will reveal many cases, as recently as this year (in favor of the child, not the parents). It's not inconceivable that these ruling could extend to cover vaccines as well, if someone (or agency) were to actually bring a lawsuit against the irresponsible parent.

Comment Re:skating on the edge of legal? (Score 1) 302

here in OZ they are pushing the boundaries of what is legal for "taxi" services, so I would be very surprised if that were not the case in other countries/states juristrictions.

I bet! Using tornadoes to transport houses is quite unconventional already... imagine Oz's taxi service!

Comment Re:Scapegoat (Score 1) 310

This is ABSURD! He's being singled out because the federal government has granted blanket immunity to the big financial firms and their employees. I guess he didn't bribe the right politicians and didn't provide enough job offers to federal bureaucrats.

Yes, placing orders that you never intend to execute is technically illegal, but the big financial firms that engage in HFT do this crap every f***ing day! Pick a random trading day in the last year and subpoena the order history of a big trading firm. I guarantee that there will be thousands of orders submitted and canceled in milliseconds. Orders which the firm obviously had zero intention of ever executing. Exactly the sort of activity they are calling "criminal" in this one particular case. The U.S. government is a monstrosity. Arbitrary enforcement of the law is a hideous injustice and it's standard procedure in government.

If I was a senator I'd be grilling the AG nominee about this selective enforcement BS.

If you were a senator, you'd be lining your campaign pockets with their profits and promptly ignoring it like every politician out there right now.

Comment Re:The antivaxers will ignore this... (Score 2) 341

" the idea being to add it to shots as something to enhance the body's reaction to a foreign body"

Wrong. the "mercury" in the vaccine is trace amounts of themirosol, which is a preservative used as an antibacterial/anti-fungal agent for multidose vials of vaccines. Its inclusion in single dose vials has been almost eliminated just to placate idiots like you who think it's dangerous or don't know what it actually does.

If you stick a needle into a multidose vial and it keeps getting punctured, there is a chance of contaminants getting introduced. The themirosol prevents that.

It has nothing to do with making the body react stronger to the vaccine. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Get educated:

The OP was correct in that they do use adjuvants in many vaccines to promote a better response, although OP was incorrect about the thimerosal (both as an adjuvant and its safety, or lack thereof). Typically, it's aluminum or monophosphoryl lipid A used as the adjuvant.

Comment Re:Thunderbolt (Score 2) 392

Thunderbolt is not a proprietary connector to Apple. It is a standard that Intel has made available and i've seen non-Apple computers with Thunderbolt.

And to add to this, Intel originally debuted Light Peak (see "Early Versions of Thunderbolt") with a USB connector, not the current connectors you see now. Unfortunately, the USB consortium said "Nope, you can't combine the two." So Intel re-released Light Peak as Thunderbolt with the new open standard.

Probably because they had USB-C in the pipe.

Comment Re:"Conservatives" hating neutrality baffles me (Score 2) 550

I can't believe the bullshit I see from some of the "conservatives" I know who treat this like some kind of commie takeover of the Internet.

One guy I used to work with was trying to run an SMB network off his cable modem service from home and did nothing but complain for weeks about the runaround he got trying to get multiple static IPs due to ridiculous cable vendor policies (solved with some MAC spoofing/VLAN hackery in his firewall) and the pathetic bandwidth allocations he was able to get in addition to the general lack of alternatives in his area.

Yet this same numbskull is parroting this ridiculous "Obama takeover of the Internet" bullshit against net neutrality.

I just don't see how "conservatives" are willing to go totally rabid when it comes to government meddling yet so many (but not all) see outrageous monopoly manipulation and rent-seeking as just the good-old free market working like it's supposed to. I can't make this dichotomy make any sense.

As Lewis Black so eloquently described:

They have convinced a group of people to bust out of their double-wides, dressed as Ben Franklin, a kite in one hand, a key in the other, screaming "Don't tax the rich!" ... If a group of leaders can convince a group of people who don't have a pot to piss in that the rich shouldn't be taxed — THAT, is leadership. Similar deal with your friend.

Comment Re:Science... Yah! (Score 1) 958

The worst you can drink is "juice" a lot of shit with sugar, lots of empty calories (1L packet can easily be 5000 calories, the individual ones can be 800) and is actually the fastest way to get fat without noticing.

The worst you can drink is pasteurized juice, which contains no enzymes which help break it down. Of course, just try to find unpasteurized juice.

Also, most juice drinks aren't juice. They're juice from concentrate, with added sugar. It's pretty hard to actually pick out the drinks which are just actual juice.

It's because the alternative to pasteurization (food poisoning and death) is arguably worse than 30% fewer enzymes.

Comment Re:It's about time. (Score 3, Insightful) 138

The direction I don't care about. I care about the fact that they have made yet another "solve all problems with firepower" franchise out of something that has dealt with so many important and/or taboo topics in the past.

First kiss between white and black actors, knowingly keeping a gay actor on, solving problems with diplomacy, observing the wishes of a people and let them die, even though it goes against your own moral concepts...

This is a US made show that dared suggest that a society that has relied on cloning so much they're basically inbred need to band together with a society of hillbillies and had to effing ditch monogamy to survive! The question over Data's and the Doc's sentience or do the Borg enjoy the same considerations as other species... can the Borg even be considered a species... The list goes on and on.

They took EVERYTHING Star Trek had which let me hope for a brighter future for once instead of the pretty redundant apocalypse mindsets and turned it into fucking space cowboys...

So do excuse me if I shed a tear over the clusterfuck Abrams created.

Agreed. However, I would like to think Simon Pegg might be able to rescue this. He's a devout classic science fiction fan, to the point where he burned his Star Wars collection upon a funeral pyre after Episode I launched (according to Simon Pegg's commentary on the first episode of Spaced). So, if Simon is at all offended by the new Star Trek as you are, he may bring this alternate Star Trek back to some semblance of the Roddenberry-inspired sagas.

Comment Re:Actung ! (Alternate Methods) (Score 1) 703

There are alternate payment and funding methods being explored -- but America is slow, slow, slow, slow to adapt to such things. It was discussed on NPR's Freakonomics, and there's a university that's actually trying it out -- if my Google-fu were strong today. The Obama story is saturating anything to do with free tuition atm.

Anyway, for those of you who didn't click on the link, upon graduation, the university takes a 5% cut of any money you make for the first 20 years of your working life. This creates a massive incentive for the university to place the student in the best-paying job possible -- because that means more money for the university. As such, the university is going to want the student to be as desirable to employers as possible -- which means the best training and education possible.

Personally, I'm really fond of this idea.

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