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Comment Find out if the company is viable (Score 1) 569

I know most of the readership here are coders and the like, and so a lot of the questions are from that perspective, but since so many of us interview with pre-IPO or venture capital funded companies its important to find out if the company is doing well or has a future, especially if you are looking at stock options as part of your compensation (or as a lottery ticket...) I found this blog entry useful.- You may not want to go into this level of detail but it gives you a sense of the kinds of questions that are fair game. These may not be first interview questions (as commented elsewhere first interviews are just to make the short list), however its reasonable for you to inquire about a private company's finances if you are throwing your lot in with them.
The Military

30,000-Lb. Bomb On Fast Track For Deployment 707

coondoggie writes "Published reports today say the Pentagon is rattling swords in the direction of North Korea and Iran by speeding the development a 20-foot, 30,000-lb bomb known as Massive Ordnance Penetrator. This weapon is intended to annihilate underground bunkers and other hardened sites (read: long-range missile or underground nuke development) up to 200 ft. underground. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency, which has overseen the development of this monster since 2007, says it is designed to be carried aboard B-2 and B-52 bombers and deployed at high altitudes, from which it would strike the ground at speeds well beyond twice the speed of sound to penetrate the below-ground target." Reuters has more specifics on the MOP's chances for deployment by 2010, and the detail that the bomb's load of explosives weighs in at 5,300 lbs.

Comment Re:Re "RAID is not backup"... and some solutions. (Score 1) 611

RAID is an availability play. Backups of data that you consider at all valuable (family photos, financial records, etc) should be on write once data or offline. Many of the posts here refer to issues around physical drive failure, but its important to consider data corruption (intentional or unintentional) All of these data replication suggestions are, like RAID, availability plays. You need to have static point in time snaps or copies; or deltas from which you can recreate points in time; to be able to recover from a data disaster. Its great that you are using rsync to replicate your kids first birthday photos to a box somewhere else, but if that folder gets corrupted you are now replicating that corruption. You are now the proud owner of two sets of useless data and the endless crying from the spouse that inevitably accompanies such.

Artist Wins £20,000 Grant To Study Women's Butts 202

Sue Williams has been awarded a £20,000 grant by the Arts Council of Wales, to "explore cultural attitudes towards female buttocks." Sue plans to examine racial attitudes towards bottoms in Europe and Africa and create plaster casts of women's behinds to try to understand their place in contemporary culture. And here I've been studying the issue all these years for free like a sucker!

Microsoft's Office Web Will Do iPhone, Linux, Mac 202

CWmike writes "Gregg Keizer reports Microsoft has clarified that its upcoming Office Web service will be available to users running Mac OS X and Linux, as well as from Apple's iPhone. The key to this cross platform-friendliness: Office Web will run in Firefox and Safari browsers, in addition to IE. Introduced last month, Office Web is a lightweight version of its Office suite that runs as an online service. I think it's time for Google to embrace to take on Microsoft head-on, as CW blogger Preston Gralla has argued for and described how to go about it."

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