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Comment What the fuck... (Score 1) 34

What CRACKHEAD wrote THIS law??? Not only is this sheer idiocy, but borders on Nazi-like behavior. This is OVER THE COUNTER meds not “drugs”, per se at least not as far as any NORMAL definition of the goddamn word is. “Drugs”, as far as MOST legal definitions go, refer to things like marijuana, heroin, cocaine, etc. WHEN did ibuprofen become a “dangerous drug”? Several years ago, when wisdom teeth were coming in and I had no dental insurance, I was taking 3000mg every 3 hours yes, ever 3 hours. That means a small bottle a DAY to combat the pain. Wow pretty goddamn dangerous as I’m sitting here typing this goddamn rant out afterwards. I didn’t see what state it’s in, but you can bet your ass it’s far from mine unless it’s California.

Comment Pay as you go... uh huh... (Score 1) 414

Pay as you go internet... what neanderthal thought up THIS fragrant idea? Not to mention the added cost to the consumer for seeing ads, but here's a fun one. I pay $15 a month for an online MMORPG (no, not WoW). Guess what will be one of the first things cancelled if I have to start paying a per gig/meg/? fee in addition to my monthly internet service AND to the MMORPG? The sheer ramifications of having to pay on a per use basis boggles the mind. IF this load of shit goes through, here's my NEW pattern... Start the computer, check email very quickly, cut off the network connection, then maybe play something that DOESN'T require internet, etc. Blog? HA, you're funny. No more for me. Read/post to Slashdot? Don't hold your breath. I'll start buying a regular newspaper, bitching about not getting my phone book... essentially going back to say 1990, with a few small perks, IF I want to pay for them, like email, and online gaming. What a crock of shit...

Comment When I was a kid... (Score 2, Insightful) 333

When I was a kid, no such thing as "anti bacterial soap" existed for the public's use. Soap, of several varieties did, and that was used. I played in the mud as a kid, drank out of the hose in the yard (in the summer, you ran it because the water in it was HOT... not to clean/clear anything out of it that may be bad for you or living in there. I remember seeing ants and/or spiders crawl out of the hose when I picked it up. I ran the water until a cool temp, drank, and shut off the hose without giving it a second thought.) and like most kids those (and these?) days, usually cleaned up when Mom and/or Dad forced you to. Was I sick? Not really. Maybe a cold every year or two, depending on where we lived. As an adult, I never was phobic about any and all germs around me. At my current age (45), I am still healthy as a horse. I don't really remember the last time I had a cold that was much more than simple sniffles. The last time I missed work was from hernia surgery. I have that wonderful feature of an IMMUNE SYSTEM. I feel that your body can be conditioned to have one. Anti bacterial soaps, etc. kill EVERY germ you have on your skin, both good AND bad. No thanks. I never have used that stuff, and have ZERO interest in using it. I'll stick to common soaps and shampoos, thanks... Now GET OFF MY LAWN (and I'll get off my soapbox, no pun intended)

Comment No wonder kids are going to jail... (Score 2, Insightful) 7

No wonder kids are joining gangs and such nowadays. With assclowns like this (and you can't tell me he's the only one in the US), it's no goddamn wonder. You have 4 kids here, wanting to actually, honestly make money to make more money to open a business (what did they call that? The American Dream?), and jackoff boy here shoots them down. Now, that being said, if they set up for say months, or interfered with traffic in the park, either vehicle or foot, I could see giving them shit about it... geeze... idiots like that don't need to procreate, plain and simple. Ok, I'm climbing off my soapbox now.

Comment Re:Schizophrenia? (Score 1) 685

Actually, it was common for "actors" to talk (also the Director, etc.) during filming, seeing as there was no sound, direction could be given second by second, and she could have been answering the Director or telling them something. Also, her hand seems, to me, to be shielding the early morning sun from her eyes more than just the hat was able to. I have also seen older people (70's+) hold their hand like this, as somewhat of a precursor to Arthritis.

Comment As a native of Nevada... (Score 2, Informative) 825

As a native of Nevada, and I mean I've been here since the 60's, the roads here that this would apply to the most (and I would GLADLY pay the tab for) are times like you're driving from Reno to either Elko or Vegas. Reno to Vegas is around 450 miles, all good, pretty straight road, and BORING AS HELL at even the 75mph it's at in the open areas. At 90mph, that would do wonders for your driving time. Also, keep this in mind kids... Nevada was one of the last states to go to the 55mph speed limit back in the day. Matter of fact, Nevada had to be threatened by the US DOT to change to 55mph. When the change came, and Nevada said "no thanks", the US DOT said "fine, no highway funds", to which Nevada changed to 55mph, BUT, you could speed up to 70mph and only pay a $5 "resources wasting fee". NOW, if you were say doing 75mph, you would get busted for the 20mph over the limit. Also, in this state, 20mph is "careless" driving plus the speeding, and 30mph is "reckless" driving. Careless is a nasty ticket, but Reckless can get you not only arrested, but your vehicle impounded. Just a little fyi folks.

Comment You're missing the point... (Score 1) 98

EVERY broadcast signal that starts on this planet, or the Moon, or in orbit radiates in ALL directions. We have little control over their directions, so we've been broadcasting into space for nearly a century. Plus, I think the Skrull, from a Fantastic Four comic a few decades ago said it best, when one of the Skrull told Reed Richards "If you knew what was out there in the universe, you would be HIDING, not trying to contact them..."

Comment A little story, folks... (Score 1) 604

Several years ago (around 2006 or 2007 seems like) I was working in a Dell warehouse in the western USA. (Yes, I'm being vague. I was security there, and don't really want the lawsuit if this can be traced back to me. Bear with me.) Now, all we dealt with were laptops, and "portable electronics", and printers and monitors. Never made sense to me that the same place an order would come in for a laptop would have a monitor too, but who am I to say anything? ANYHOW, the laptops would come in on large sheets. Now a normal semi trailer would have up to 5 of these sheets in them, loaded to the ceiling, and wrapped in layers of blue and clear plastic. ALL of the Dell laptops at the time came from Malaysia, period. No where else. So, we get a load in one day, and the workers start peeling these layers of plastic like usual. The laptops were packed in the Styrofoam shells, but no other packaging, all that was done there at the warehouse. When the last layer came off, it was discovered that all of these Styrofoam shells (which yes, were just packaging, and in no way were waterproof) were SOAKED. Seems like there was a rainstorm, or monsoon or some such over there while they were loading these on the boat, and they were wrapped during the storm. I SAW a laptop Styrofoam shell picked up off the stack, and tipped over and watched water POUR out of it. Know what Dell did? First thing was to call the bigwigs. It was decided to drain one, and let it dry for a few hours. After it appeared to be dry, they would turn it on. If it booted, they were to ship the lot. Early that afternoon, they turned on the "test" laptop, it fired up, and they shut it down, packed it up, and processed that flat of laptops like they had a conscious. By Dell? HELL NO, at least not the laptops...

Comment You REALLY need to RTFA, AND the ad... (Score 1) 463

Wow... am I the only one that actually went to the site to read their ad? The ad states that the device comes with it's own set of eye ware for protection. Plus, battery life, via lithium Ion batteries, is 120 minutes. it's around 255mm long, and nearly 40mm wide, so it's NOT small. I DID think that it was amusing that they alluded to it's possible self defense use. Tell me, if someone were mugging you, if you waved this in their face, that it wouldn't almost be worth it to tell the cops "yeh, officer, the guy you're looking for is around 5' 10", white, brown hair, and a burnt "W" in his face. No, I'm not joking..."

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