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Comment Re:Early retirement (Score 1) 154

For now yes.

When my wife and I had 1 baby we put the baby things in storage when he out grew them.

When we had a 2nd baby we gave them away after they outgrew them.

There is a difference between a short term lack of requirement and long term one. These planes were already parked up. They spent $1B refurbishing the inside recently. This is not about passenger numbers in the next couple of quarters.

Comment Re:Early retirement (Score 1) 154

Did you calculate that for a full car (say 4 people)? I'm not sure it changes the outcome, but cheapest flight won't be the best times and there is some value to having control of your travel.

I've switched to train - I can do my location in the UK, via London->Paris Eurostar, and onward to W. Europe for not much more time and a bit less money than flying, and my phone works the whole way and I have WiFi. Seats are more comfortable, food is better, less silly queuing (why do people fight to get on the plane to a fixed seat number!), and I can take more luggage.

Comment Re:Flickr looks to be getting good (Score 1) 36

It's 1000 photos not 1000k (a million).

In 8 years at 10 a month you hit the limit. So it's not really useful for anyone wanting to share. Depends if you think there is value in the free users - they may not pay but they are traffic, which means ad revenue.

Google Photos is a much more suitable option for low photo / month users. You'd have to be a real "pro" to really justify $50 for the storage - so actually the other benefits to Pro are still the main selling point.

Comment Re:How exctly? (Score 0) 52

It is odd. I choose GMail and Google Search. As a result I buy an Android phone. It needs a browser.

I used to use Firefox, I moved to Chrome as it was better.
I haven't looked at how easy it would be to switch back (stored passwords etc make chrome easy)

So to me Android+GMail+Google+Chrome isn't too much bundling and FBook (vs G+) and Spotify (vsGoogle Music) and iplayer/netflix/amazon (vs Google video) work perfectly fine - which is more than can be said about Amazon or Apple equivalents.

In summary Chrome stands out as the odd thing - it's what did it for Microsoft (OS + Browser) and Google already offer Chromium to the community.

I don't think buying an Android phone really forces any other products on you, but Google do make several awesome products, so unsurprisingly Android users use more than 1.

Comment Re:Do not wver feed any wild animals (Score 2) 116

They're not truly wild. They live in the managed ecosystems of our towns and villages.

Whilst feeding animal in the true wild is bad, feeding back garden birds that would otherwise fail to find sufficient food in bird-unfriendly gardens (lacking the correct plants and enough prey) is necessary to prevent further decline.

For example:
"House sparrow numbers were not monitored adequately before the mid-1970s. Since then, numbers in rural England have nearly halved while numbers in towns and cities have declined by 60 per cent. Because of these large population declines, the house sparrow is now red-listed as a species of high conservation concern."


Comment Re:Don't take yours in. (Score 1) 411

There's not "fix" - it's not an inherent flaw, it's in the design.

The modern diesel engines drip feed a small amount of oil into the fuel. The manufacturers translate this into a max oil use expected (presumably based on a large number of short journeys). In reality it's much lower - my Audi A5 goes from Max to half way to Min in the 20,000 miles between services. About 1/2 UK pint.

My Honda Civic diesel used 1 pint in the same time. Both are well below the manufacturers tolerance.

Comment Re: Commodore Amiga or Commodore PC? (Score 1) 456

I disagree with your interpretation of the advert. It's not that Apple were saying they don't make a PC, it's that there are PCs and there are Macs.

A bit like saying do you want a phone or an iPhone, do you want a fizzy drink or a Coke.

It's demonstrating their brand as above the average.

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