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Submission + - Happy Music Boosts Brain's Creativity, Study Says (

An anonymous reader writes: Need inspiration? Happy background music can help get the creative juices flowing. Simone Ritter, at Radboud University in the Netherlands, and Sam Ferguson, at the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia, have been studying the effect of silence and different types of music on how we think. They put 155 volunteers into five groups. Four of these were each given a type of music to listen to while undergoing a series of tests, while the fifth group did the tests in silence. The tests were designed to gage two types of thinking: divergent thinking, which describes the process of generating new ideas, and convergent thinking, which is how we find the best solutions for a problem. Ritter and Ferguson found that people were more creative when listening to music they thought was positive, coming up with more unique ideas than the people who worked in silence. However, happy music – in this instance, Antonio Vivaldi’s Spring – only boosted divergent thinking. No type of music helped convergent thinking, suggesting that it’s better to solve problems in silence.

Comment Re:And it's only going to get worse (Score 1) 835

"They should consist of military veterans with experience, not pudgy county mounties playing soldier and killing innocents with their ignorance and inexperience."

They are one in the same now. Seriously, where do you think a lot of the Iraq and Afghanistan vets find employment when they get back?

That's right, LAW ENFORCEMENT.

Comment Re:1 2 3 4 I declare flame war (Score 1) 976

I get so tired of seeing this crap repeated as truism. The gun manufacturers don't "own the NRA". The NRA's 2.4 *MILLION* members do.

The reason further gun control has such trouble passing is that a majority of the people in our Republic don't _wan't_ it. Even Bloomberg and the millions upon millions he's spent can't sway public opinion enough.

If you were to combine all the members of every anti-gun group in the United States it still wouldn't be as high as the NRA, it's not even close.

Fun fact, you realize that Bloomberg spent more money trying to influence "gun control" in the United States last year than the entire gun lobby gave to the NRA?

Are you going to bitch him and his gun control agenda because he's spending millions and millions on it or is that cool because you happen to agree with his message?

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