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Comment Why? (Score 1) 1270

So I guess I'm sitting here thinking, "Why?"
Really, what's the point in going back if you can't go forward again.

Sure, go back, invest, it won't do you a lick of good. You'll basically be dead to the people you left behind in the future. It is nothing more than a novel method of suicide. You could just as easily buy a big life insurance policy, and go back to see %big_historical_thing% or whatever, and achieve the same results.

Comment Re:He got lucky. (Score 1) 486

The point about him risking his children was more about putting the good of the many (the dozens of people potentially injured if the truck was allowed to continue its course) ahead of the good of the few (The people in his car)

Was there risk involved, certainly. That said, it was still the right thing to do.
From the article, it says that he'd seen the truck side-swipe a barrier already. He had a reasonable assurance that the driver was incapacitated to the point where he would not rouse.
He did what I think is the most reasonable and responsible action given the known information. I am sorry that you feel differently.

Comment Re:If I was his passenger (Score 2, Insightful) 486

Get your head around this: His passengers were his children.
However, knowing the physics, the risk to them was minimal. The only question would have been if his brakes could have held the pressure of two vehicles instead of one.

I still salute the guy. He saved a bunch of people, and did what was right. We need more people like him, and less people who want to "not get involved" because they might get hurt.

Comment Re:got spyware? (Score 1) 761

Dunno about that. Ask any police dispatcher. They do whatever they can to find range time for the patrol folks. I've been told that FBI field agents are in similar situations.
They've got a less than 25% chance of connecting in their "double tap"
I spend more time on the range than the typical field agent. I also wouldn't bother coming out the door to shoot them. I'd just put a shot through the window and drop them at the end of the drive. A coyote is a lot smaller and a lot faster at 100m than a FBI agent. (And yes, I realize that I just got on their watch list. It's not the first time, and it won't be the last)

Comment Re:I see this alot (Score 1) 260

The only tools I know of, that the poster seems concerned about mentioning are tools like aircrack-ng. It's loaded in the Backtrack CD set. (Which I highly recommend as a tool to audit your own networks) He is correct, you can crack a WPA2-AES password. It's not easy, and it takes time. Basically what you do is start dumping the stuff you see in the air, identify a target network, send a disassociation notice to the client that's connected to the AP, spoofing the MAC of the AP, a bunch of times. You record the traffic its sending back. The password will be in that traffic, encrypted, of course. Then you do a re-play and dictionary attack against the replayed traffic. It does work, but it doesn't work against long, complex, and random passwords in a short period of time.

Comment Re:I wold love a car that drives itself... (Score 1) 561

For some people, a 6 block walk is impossible. I have a number of disabled co-workers who drive simply because they have no other option.
I choose mass transit because I believe in it.
My morning commute: Drive 45min to the nearest train station.
Ride the train for an hour
Walk half a mile to my office door.

Doing the "right" thing gives me a 2 hour commute each way. It's also the only job I have been able to find recently. I've got a family to feed, so I do it.
I could save 30min off that trip if I drove, but then I'd have to pay for parking, and I don't have that money.

I live in the San Francisco bay area. We have a fairly good public transit system compared to most parts of the US.
When my car broke down, I had to take the bus. I was leaving the house at 4:22am to make it to work by 8am. The trip home was equally bad.

Oh, and we don't have any confidence that the mass transit will get us to work on-time either. MUNI regularly has delays, as does BART.

Comment Re:Could have been interesting (Score 1) 851

You placed something on my car? Huh. That's odd. I've got no clue about what it is, was, or where it is. Sorry.
I went over a really bumpy road a while ago. Sounded like something fell off, but the car was driving fine so I just kept going

Or hey, maybe do something really fun, like call in the bomb squad, and have them detonate the thing.

You don't know what the device is, how it got there, or what its purpose is. Say it looks like a bomb to you.

I get the massive fear of law enforcement and the FBI, but really, the vehicle is your property. You can do anything with your car you want. (Assuming you've got the pink slip.) Heck, if I found one attached to one of my cars, I'd seriously consider sending that car off to the smasher.

Comment Still available in the US. Still and MS Tax (Score 2, Informative) 248

I think it must just be Dell in the EU. Here in the US, you can still configure systems preloaded with Ubuntu.

In fact, I just ran the numbers. Buying a Latitude 13 configured exactly the way I like it, running 9.10 (32bit): $1753.98
Running Windows7 (32bit): $1862.98

I didn't see a way of doing 64bit installs for either option. This also doesn't take into account any of the specials that may be running, or employee discounts, etc.

In this circumstance, the Microsoft tax is $109

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