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Comment Re:people use PHP? (Score 1) 752

PHP is wonderful for web development, but has more than a few annoying quirks with regard to consistency

Uh... no. PHP is the Windows of www programming. It's a mediocrity of web languages. It's a something that "everyone uses". It's a broken language that teaches everyone broken patterns of programming (like mixing HTML and code), but it's easy to start and it's everywhere.
That's why it's widespread. Not because it's "wonderful" for something.

Comment Re:people use PHP? (Score 1) 752

It's in-process so there's no startup overhead like with CGI.

It's funny you mention it, since the best (performance-wise) way to handle PHP is FastCGI. mod_php is not thread-safe so it can't be used with Worker or Event Apache MPM's. Prefork MPM - the only one that works with mod_php and its multiple extensions - just sucks in terms of performance.

Comment Re:What (Score 1) 570

Something doesn't match up. For first the different encryption schemes take different times to try even one password, and even more if you combine several of them together. Secondly you cannot try 4 million passwords in a second if its encrypted content, it takes a lot more than that.

Congratulations. You've just destroyed their plan to get shiny new PS3s for the whole C3 department for Christmas. Do you think they're going to take it easy?

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 1) 306

My grandpa (Russian) used to have a calendar with all "holidays" like "The Day of Forestry/Construction/Whatever workers" or "67 years of Communist Revolution in some African country you wouldn't even know otherwise" (yes, Soviets printed stuff like that) so he would never fall into an embarrassing situation like the one from your story. A number of holidays on Russian calendar is amazing, actually.

Comment Re:No root password - beyond the hyerbole (Score 2, Informative) 214

So what if they had have set the root password for MySQL? Pointless - with local security destroyed it's a trivial operation to reset the password, and it's described directly on the MySQL site here.

MySQL root password reset requires you to have an OS root access. With MySQL having no root password you can access the DB from any local user. There is a difference between having a, let's say, PHP shell on the server and having a root shell. Depending on OS and your skills you can escalate from wwwuser to root, but it's mostly a far from a trivial task.

Comment Re:Assembler! (Score 2, Insightful) 634

I wouldn't recommend Assembly. Most of the "under the hood" things are not the job of the programmer anymore. That's why we have compilers.

And that's why we have so much of shitty inefficient code around. Even when you program in a high-level language, you still have to realize how the code you write works on the machine level. I've seen PHP programmers throwing around calls to array_diff/array_unique, chaining them without mercy, without thinking about performance - because they think that those function are some magic black boxes and never consider a performance hit. "Oh, it's a C function, C is fast anyway from what I've heard". Like a good driver should know the inners of a car, how engine/transmission etc. work, otherwise he couldn't drive efficiently - a good programmer should know all the chain, from Java/Python/Scheme/Whatever down to the machine code.

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